Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley

  • So You Grew Up in Church? Here’s How to Survive

    So You Grew Up in Church? Here’s How to Survive

    Growing up in church can be a wonderful thing. It can also be dangerous. The majority of believers would want their children to grow up in church. Even though religion has sometimes become toxic, a Christian heritage has all kinds of benefits. So how does one separate the good from the bad? If you’ve been

  • 5 Questions You Should Ask When Your Husband Behaves Badly

    5 Questions You Should Ask When Your Husband Behaves Badly

    Neither gender has a corner on bad behavior. Last week, we talked about wives behaving badly, but today is for the wife whose husband is behaving badly. In the big picture, women have been under attack ever since Eve. The kingdom of darkness has often used men to perpetrate destruction and violence against women, seeking to destroy

  • 7 Questions You Should Ask When Your Wife Behaves Badly

    7 Questions You Should Ask When Your Wife Behaves Badly

    Neither gender has a corner on bad behavior, so I had to arbitrarily pick which side to address first. Next week we’ll address husbands’ behavior, but today is for the husband whose wife is behaving badly. Part of me wants to begin by apologizing on behalf of some women. Both contemporary society and the church

  • How to Partner With God for Your Spirit-Led Transformation

    How to Partner With God for Your Spirit-Led Transformation

    God is after your complete transformation. He desires to apply the redemption Jesus paid for on the cross to every area of your being—physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual. You’re saved! But not every believer experiences awesome lasting transformation. Why not? How can you partner with God for your transformation? Instead of a beam-me-up instantaneous change, God almost

  • This Common Stumbling Block Robs You of Intimacy With Jesus

    This Common Stumbling Block Robs You of Intimacy With Jesus

    Can you imagine Jesus ever being anxious? He carried the destiny of the whole world on His shoulders. From the moment of His birth, He had enemies who were out to trap, discredit and even kill Him. And yet He was not worried or anxious about His material needs, the responses of the people around

  • Your Supernatural Secret to Moving From Death to Life

    Your Supernatural Secret to Moving From Death to Life

    The change true transformation brings is as different as life is from death, white from black, light from darkness. We’re not talking about a haircut and change of clothes or some new cosmetics. You may have been (or are now) living a life of victimhood, people pleasing, addiction, marriage misery, fear or any variety of

  • A Crucial Key to Your Spirit-Led Transformation

    A Crucial Key to Your Spirit-Led Transformation

    No true transformation happens in your life without God’s action. I’m starting with the premise that Jesus came not only to forgive your sins, but also to bring you a whole new life. (John 10:10). Knowing that God’s action is Key #1, why do so many still struggle day after day, year after year, while still

  • How to Put the Fun Back in Your Marriage

    How to Put the Fun Back in Your Marriage

    Everything in the commercial world is colored red and pink right now. “Love” is in the air. From the marketing messages, you would think you’re heartless unless you shell out a bunch of cash for flowers, candy, cards, chocolate-covered strawberries, pajamas and who knows what else. As with most holidays, retail has hijacked Valentine’s Day.

  • Are You Ready for God’s Transforming Touch?

    Are You Ready for God’s Transforming Touch?

    Jesus accepts you just as He finds you. Always. But He’s not satisfied with leaving you that way. Jesus did not only come to offer forgiveness. If a new life is not part of the deal, we’re in no better shape than we were before Jesus came. Jesus wants your transformation! Oh, thank God for

  • How You Can Walk in Abundance in Your Marriage

    How You Can Walk in Abundance in Your Marriage

    There are many ways you could describe the one you’re married to. You might see them as your confidant, friend, provider, support or lover. You might think of them as your project, problem, irritant-in-chief, enemy or “thorn in the flesh.” What do you see in your spouse? How you look at them makes a difference.

  • Your Supernatural Solution for Days of Deep Disappointment With God

    Your Supernatural Solution for Days of Deep Disappointment With God

    You know better, or at least you think you do. Your head, your Christians friends, the things you recall from the Bible tell you that God is good and He is for you. But your prayers don’t seem to accomplish anything. Couldn’t God come through for you if He wanted? Your soul can get disheartened

  • How You Can Break Your Crazy Marital Communication Cycle

    How You Can Break Your Crazy Marital Communication Cycle

    Do your attempts to communicate with your spouse end up leaving you more frustrated and upset? The Crazy Communication Cycle has become the norm for too many couples, and results in so much conflict, misunderstanding, and heartache. Does this sound anything like what goes on in your house? Wife feels frustrated or upset about something

  • You’ve Heard God’s Voice. Now What?

    You’ve Heard God’s Voice. Now What?

    So you have learned to listen for God’s voice. You enter His presence often, quiet your soul and anticipate hearing from Him. You remain open to hearing from Him throughout your day. Whether occasionally or more often, there are times you sense He is speaking. Awesome! Now what do you do after you hear God’s voice? A relationship

  • How to Open the Door to the True Marital Intimacy You Seek

    How to Open the Door to the True Marital Intimacy You Seek

    The need in the human heart for intimacy is deep. God created you and me for intimacy. One of the most excruciating things a person can experience is intimacy gone wrong. It’s risky, and yet we still seek it. But how do you get there? How do you open the door to intimacy, especially in

  • 5 Timely Tips for Hearing God’s Voice—The 1 Samuel 3:10 Way

    5 Timely Tips for Hearing God’s Voice—The 1 Samuel 3:10 Way

    We communicate with the people we care about. There’s no relationship without communication. It’s the same with you and God. It hurts when it feels as though God is silent. God’s voice doesn’t usually come to us in the same way human voices do. So how can you listen for God’s voice while trying to

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