Dr. Alveda C. King

  • Alveda King Sends Staunch Challenge and Warning to Liberal Politicians

    Alveda King Sends Staunch Challenge and Warning to Liberal Politicians

    Finally, the anti-American agenda of critical race theory (CRT) is being exposed, and its devout followers should take note. Most recently we saw this in Virginia’s rejection of CRT in its gubernatorial race. On one hand, you had seasoned politician and former governor Terry McAuliffe telling parents they should not have a say in what

  • Alveda King Calls for Prayer This Election Weekend

    Alveda King Calls for Prayer This Election Weekend

    Where are God’s appointed spiritual voices today—aside from urging Christians to vote and making the King Cyrus observations related to the upcoming election—where are we who are called to be today’s Daniels, Esthers, Nehemiahs and Ezras? Are we praying, fasting, rebuilding and evangelizing? We urgently need to transcend the political frequency where we are praying

  • “America, We Are Better Than This!”

    “America, We Are Better Than This!”

    Last summer, God revealed a message to me just before the tragic death of Michael Brown. “Alveda, tell the people of the world this: You don’t have to live this way. You are better than this.” Weeks later Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson. Yesterday, my friend Bishop Harry Jackson, world leader and Pentecostal Pastor

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