David C. Friend

  • The Precious Scripture Jesus and Military Veterans Share

    The Precious Scripture Jesus and Military Veterans Share

    Because I am a veteran, some may think my title is a little presumptuous. However, I believe there is a Scripture that applies precisely to Jesus and veterans. The apostle John being led by the Holy Spirit, wrote John 15:13 NLT “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

  • Experience the Holy Spirit-Led Promises of God

    The promises of God are for those who seek Him. God Almighty promises His followers, that He will bless them. The creator of the universe promises to give us peace that surpasses all understanding. Through our relationship with the Holy Spirit, we can live with hope to receive what God has promised to provide to

  • One Premise Successful Christian Business Owners Never Forget

    One Premise Successful Christian Business Owners Never Forget

    Have you ever wanted to start a business or increase the profits of your current business? The Word of God has hundreds of examples on how to be successful in life. There are numerous Scriptures relating to success in business. As a Christian businessman for 20 years. I discovered that God does not put limits

  • Receive Greater Faith

    Receive Greater Faith

    How often do you pray for greater faith? If we are honest, almost everyone would admit that increasing their faith is one of their goals in life. The Word of God is filled with examples of those who had great faith. Hebrews Chapter 11 has been called the Hall of Faith because it lists many

  • Celebrate America and Its Veterans

    Celebrate America and Its Veterans

    The celebration of Veteran’s Day holds a special meaning to many. Personally, I served in the United States Army in the Republic of Vietnam. My family has served in every branch of the military. As a Vietnam veteran, I was confused about the words “Celebration and Veteran’s Day”. As we all know, Vietnam vets were

  • Financial Prosperity from Spiritual Prosperity

    Financial Prosperity from Spiritual Prosperity

    Read Time: 1 Minute, 49 Seconds In my years as a banker, real estate developer and Pastor, I have met with thousands of individuals. Most desired to prosper financially, however, few were seeking the combination of spiritual and financial prosperity. According to the Bible, we know that Christians are promised the abundant life. The word

  • How You Can Operate in the Power Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    How You Can Operate in the Power Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    Before the ascension of Jesus, He told the apostles in Acts 1:8 (NLT), “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” Jesus promises a gift that would give them comfort, power, strength and encouragement. That gift is the Holy Spirit, and that promise is also for us today. The miracle working,

  • The Inseparable Bond Between Love and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    The Inseparable Bond Between Love and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    Recently, we have experienced new visitors in our church who are asking about the gifts of the Spirit. Their first question is usually whether we believe in speaking in tongues. When I think about it, as a new Christian, that was one of the questions I had when visiting a church. When asked about the

  • How to Operate in the Power Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    How to Operate in the Power Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He told the apostles in Acts 1:8 (NLT), “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” Jesus promises a gift that would give them comfort, power, strength and encouragement. That gift is the Holy Spirit, and that promise is also for us today. The miracle-working power

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