Daniel Siroyti

  • Palestinians Seek Israeli Concessions to Renew Peace Talks

    Palestinians Seek Israeli Concessions to Renew Peace Talks

    The Palestinian Authority is seeking a number of confidence-building measures from Israel before the restart of peace negotiations. Among the measures are the release of Palestinian prisoners arrested before 1994, the provision of ammunition to Palestinian security forces and the removal of checkpoints. In an interview broadcast on the Arabic language Sawa radio station, Nimer

  • Egyptian Aide Slams Holocaust as Hoax

    Egyptian Aide Slams Holocaust as Hoax

    “The myth of the Holocaust is an industry that America invented,” said Fathi Shihab-Eddim, a senior figure close to Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi responsible for appointing the editors of all state-run newspapers. “U.S. intelligence agencies in cooperation with their counterparts in allied nations during World War II created [the Holocaust] to destroy the image of

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