Christine Foster

  • How to Walk Within the Greatest Freedom

    How to Walk Within the Greatest Freedom

    You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God’s sight. —Luke 16:15 My old friend Pete Cantrell often says, “The greatest freedom is having nothing to prove.” I think this is one of the most profound statements I

  • Remembering Thankfulness in the Midst of Adversity

    Remembering Thankfulness in the Midst of Adversity

    “From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing” (Jer. 30:19, NIV). When the Mayflower landed at Plymouth, Mass., on Nov. 11, 1620, the Pilgrim fathers were full of expectancy. Months before they were addressed by the pastor, John Robinson (c. 1575-1625), who said to them, “The Lord hath more light and

  • Forgotten Disease: Finding an Alzheimer’s Cure

    Forgotten Disease: Finding an Alzheimer’s Cure

    November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Today an American develops Alzheimer’s disease every 68 seconds. Its victims are often younger than you might think. For instance, at the young age of 53, Paul Terkeltaub learned he had Alzheimer’s. Now he’s beginning his long good-bye. “Because that’s what this is like,” he said, holding back tears. “Is, just

  • Arab Christians Lobby to Join the Israel Defense Forces

    Arab Christians Lobby to Join the Israel Defense Forces

    Over the summer, the Israeli media highlighted a phenomenon that is both intriguing and encouraging: a movement among Israel’s Christian Arabs advocating that their community be drafted, along with the country’s Jewish and Druze citizens, into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Historically, Israel’s Arab citizens have been exempted from mandatory conscription. There have been exceptions—many

  • Was It God or the Devil? Discerning Satanic Hindrances

    Was It God or the Devil? Discerning Satanic Hindrances

    I’ll admit it. There have been times when I thought the devil was in my way and it was really the Holy Spirit preventing me. There were other times when I thought the Holy Spirit was opening the door and it was really the devil tapping into the idolatry in my own heart to set me up

  • When False Prophetic Voices Merchandise the Saints

    When False Prophetic Voices Merchandise the Saints

    Last week—for the second and third time—some nefarious false prophetic voice hijacked my photos, my name and my very words and set out to do serious damage to believing saints in the name of Jesus. The experience got me thinking about how false prophetic voices are actively merchandising sincere believers looking for a breakthrough online, on TV and radio,

  • Why Being Successful in God’s Eyes Matters More

    How does God’s definition of success differ from the world’s version? Watch pastor Mark DeYmaz of Mosaic Church in central Arkansas explain. Success and Your Story – Mark DeYmaz from Mosaic Church on Vimeo.

  • Christian Revival Nears in Peru

    Christian Revival Nears in Peru

    Is Peru really on the brink of spiritual revival? Watch a video report from Lima that answers this.

  • Having Joy: How to Defy Depression

    Having Joy: How to Defy Depression

    Watch Carol McLeod share her testimony about becoming a “defiantly joyful Christian,” despite struggling with severe depression.

  • Supernatural Encounters With God

    Supernatural Encounters With God

    Watch videos of Bruce Van Natta and Dr. Reggie Anderson sharing supernatural encounters they’ve had with Jesus’ presence, protection and provision.

  • Why Christian Zionism Grows Despite Critics

    Why Christian Zionism Grows Despite Critics

    With more than 1.6 million members, pastor John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel (CUFI) has become a powerful force in pro-Israel advocacy in American politics. Additionally, his humanitarian work—including the donation of more than $80 million to Israeli charities—has earned him growing praise from the Jewish community. But despite the efforts of Hagee, who is

  • Creed Frontman Scott Stapp Shares Views on Pentecostalism

    Creed Frontman Scott Stapp Shares Views on Pentecostalism

    Following years in the headlines for dramatic rockstar antics and several suicide attempts, Creed frontman, Scott Stapp, lay bleeding on the ledge of a Miami Beach hotel balcony in a delusional drug-and-alcohol-induced haze after an accidental fall in 2006.  It seemed Stapp had quite literally hit rock bottom. In the years since, he has managed

  • When You’re Forced to Start All Over Again—Again

    When You’re Forced to Start All Over Again—Again

    When I broken my leg at age 7 and wound up in a full body cast, I had to learn how to walk all over again. It was a painful process and took what seemed like an eternity for a kid who wanted to go out and play. When I broke my leg again a

  • Grant Berry: The Church Needs Freedom From Anti-Semitism

    Grant Berry: The Church Needs Freedom From Anti-Semitism

    There is a difference between blatant anti-Semitism and generational anti-Semitism, which we need to get a clearer understanding on. Generational anti-Semitism is perhaps one of the subtlest deceptions of the enemy because it can so easily go undetected. You can actually love Israel and still be affected by it through the bloodline if it has

  • What Does It Mean When God Says the Same Thing to You Twice?

    What Does It Mean When God Says the Same Thing to You Twice?

    “When Solomon had finished building the temple of the Lord … the Lord appeared to him a second time. … The Lord said to him …” (1 Kings 9:1-3).  God doesn’t always pay a second visit to those to whom He has spoken before. He doesn’t have to; He doesn’t need to. What is it

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