Christina Perera

  • Are You Facing Pushback in Your God-Given Assignment?

    Are You Facing Pushback in Your God-Given Assignment?

    You heard clearly from the Lord Jesus what He called you to do, and now all hell is breaking loose around you. I’ve been there, friend, and I want to encourage you that you will make it if you don’t quit. Doing the will of God is both feast and famine. In good times and

  • Are You Hitting the Mark In Spiritual Warfare?

    Are You Hitting the Mark In Spiritual Warfare?

    Clank, clank, clank was all I heard! It was black but I knew I was in a battle by the sound of swords clanging! I couldn’t see my enemy but I swung my sword again and again! Suddenly, the Holy Spirit illuminated my vision to see the battle around me. I looked all around me

  • Choosing Faith to Believe for Miracles With Colton Dixon

    Choosing Faith to Believe for Miracles With Colton Dixon

    Choosing to take up the shield of faith brought victory in musician Colton Dixon’s own life and you can do the same! “We had a decision to make, to choose faith or to choose fear, and fear seemed like the logical choice,” Dixon said on a recent episode of Revealing Jesus on the Charisma Podcast

  • Kathy Vallotton Encourages You to Encounter Jesus in the Middle of the Struggle

    Kathy Vallotton Encourages You to Encounter Jesus in the Middle of the Struggle

    “To live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21, NKJV). These are the words of a beaten, imprisoned and shipwrecked apostle Paul. We all face struggles in our lives, even the most powerful of Christian leaders. We find ourselves hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed because of Jesus in our midst. Are

  • Miracles Invite You to the Banquet of Heaven

    Miracles Invite You to the Banquet of Heaven

    Dr. Daniel King recounted that one night. He was in Sierra Leone, and the boy, about 7 years old, had been deaf for two years. But something changed that night. “He was deaf in his left ear,” Daniel says. “The mother placed her hand on the son’s ear, and as we were praying, a black

  • How to Empower Your Children’s Spiritual Growth and Connection

    How to Empower Your Children’s Spiritual Growth and Connection

    Our children’s first experience with the kingdom of God starts at home! We are our children’s first pastors, and our home is their first church experience. In my recent interview with Seth Dahl, author of Raising Sprit-Led Kids, on Revealing Jesus, we discussed how God changed his vision to see how empowering parents to reveal

  • Why It’s Not Enough to Just Read the Bible—We Must Eat It

    Why It’s Not Enough to Just Read the Bible—We Must Eat It

    What a joy and honor to expound the Holy Scriptures, revealing more of Jesus! He is our abundant feast! In my recent interview with Dr. Brian Simmons of The Passion Translation on Revealing Jesus, we discussed how nowhere in the Bible are we told to read the Scriptures but to eat them! I was completely

  • You Are the God-Dreamed Solution to This World’s Problems

    You Are the God-Dreamed Solution to This World’s Problems

    The wisdom of God is beautiful to me; His heart and His ways are higher than ours! The way He sees is different from the way we see. When we take His perspective, we grow in Him; we come up higher into His reality and begin to live from the reality of heaven. Recently the

  • Prophetic Vision: Do You Have Mercy to Give for This Coming Revival?

    Prophetic Vision: Do You Have Mercy to Give for This Coming Revival?

    I saw in a vision the heart of the Lord Jesus for this coming revival. I saw in the Spirit a vision of a wave of the fist of God, made up of all five fingers. Each finger represented the appointed offices of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher curling into the crest of

  • God Uses His Spirit to Work Miracles In and Through You

    God Uses His Spirit to Work Miracles In and Through You

    Do you long to see God work more miracles among you? Are you desperate to see all that God has promised you through His Son Jesus? Beloved, God is not withholding from you in any way, shape or form! He has already demonstrated to you His desire in the person and work of Jesus Christ!

  • Why Unity in the Body of Christ Is Not Conformity

    Why Unity in the Body of Christ Is Not Conformity

    What is unity in the body of Christ? We must look to the Bible to explain what unity in the house of God looks like and what it does not look like. Unity involves moving with the same heart, agenda and direction, but it does not dictate how we move. One of the best pictures

  • Watch Out! Don’t Stumble on Righteousness

    Watch Out! Don’t Stumble on Righteousness

    What is the righteousness of Christ? How and why is Jesus referred to as a stumbling block to the Jews and those who look to themselves and their religious law-keeping as their righteousness? Throughout Scripture, Jesus is referred to as a stumbling block and even calls Himself the stumbling stone in the book of Matthew

  • Why the Church Must Lead the World in Unity

    Why the Church Must Lead the World in Unity

    This world is desperately hurting! In America alone, we see divisions among churches, political leaders, COVID precautions and racial inequalities. We are in desperate need of unity in this nation. However, I believe it’s unfair to expect unbelievers to lead the world in unity. I believe this because the church has the groundwork, the way

  • Keys to Taking Down the Spiritual Giants in Your Way

    Keys to Taking Down the Spiritual Giants in Your Way

    Do you have some spiritual giants that need to be taken down? I love the story of David and Goliath in the Bible; it’s one of my favorites. Mostly, I love seeing Jesus as my champion giant killer and reminding my Goliaths about my King! Recently I had a conversation with a fellow prophetic minister

  • Establish a Heart Connection to Jesus That Leads to Miracles

    Establish a Heart Connection to Jesus That Leads to Miracles

    The heart of God is a powerful thing! It’s more than a teaching; it’s a personal connection to an all-powerful and loving being! We are conduits of glory yet to be seen upon the earth. We are beloved sons and daughters, walking with revelation knowledge of heaven and a faith-filled assurance of the goodness of

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