Brian Zahnd

  • Beauty That Saves the World

    Beauty That Saves the World

    On Nov. 13, 2010, the 80-voice Chorus of Niagara from Niagara Falls, Ontario, gave a performance of the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah. This would not be particularly noteworthy except that it was done as a surprise performance in the food court of the Seaway Mall. The unsuspecting shoppers did not see it coming. It

  • Why Do We ‘Tame’ the Gospel Message?

    Why Do We ‘Tame’ the Gospel Message?

    Many believers ‘tame’ the gospel story by making it pragmatic, logical and relevant. But like a Gothic cathedral, the Good News has to be experienced in person to discover its true breathtaking wonder. The Gospel of Mark was the first of the four Gospels to be written, and its original ending seemed strange and abrupt.

  • What Is Your Story?

    What Is Your Story?

    So, what is your story? Who has been cruel to you? Perhaps bitterly cruel. What injustice have you suffered? How have you been mistreated? Perhaps miserably so. Who has cheated you? Abused you? Mistreated you? Lied to you? Lied about you? Maybe it was last week. Maybe it was a lifetime ago.

  • Brian Zahnd: ‘Unconditional?’

    Brian Zahnd: ‘Unconditional?’

    In his book Unconditional?, Brian Zahnd challenges believers with a “radical call of Jesus to forgiveness.” Using stories, historical and theological insights, Zahnd, pastor of Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, Mo., reminds us of the foundation of Christianity. Although forgiveness is not an easy command to obey, as Christians, we have the grace to…

  • Bless Those That Murder Your Child

    Bless Those That Murder Your Child

    A brutal act was answered with a radical act of forgiveness by a grieving Christian community From time to time we hear a story that reminds us there really are people who dare to live the life of radical forgiveness. The Amish are such a people. On a sunny fall morning in October 2006, a

  • Forgiveness That Transcends

    Forgiveness That Transcends

    How—and why—God calls you to a forgiveness that overcomes evil, tragedy and anything else thrown your way Forgiveness lies at the heart of God’s project to set right a world gone wrong. Ours is a gospel of forgiveness: a gospel intended for the healing of the nations. Until forgiveness is embraced as part of the fundamental

  • The Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation

    A brief look at a major shift in church history The Protestant Reformation began in Germany in 1517 with Martin Luther, a Saint Augustine friar and professor. Luther wrote and published The Ninety-Five Theses as a protest of clerical abuses aimed at the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. He is said to have posted

  • End of the Line

    End of the Line

    God is shifting the church from one seasonal platform to another. Are we ready? There is an uneasy feeling in evangelicalism today that everything is changing. Long-held certitudes are being challenged both within and without the Christian faith. The way things were even 10 years ago is no longer the way things are today. Western

  • End of the Line

    End of the Line

    God is shifting the church from one seasonal pIatform to another. Are we ready?   There is an uneasy feeling in evangelicalism today that everything is changing. Long-held certitudes are being challenged both within and without the Christian faith. The way things were even 10 years ago is no longer the way things are today.

  • How to Encourage Yourself in the Lord

    How to Encourage Yourself in the Lord

    All of us face difficulties in our lives. But we can have victory over them if we keep our eyes on God. Not many of us have experienced as bad a day as David did when he returned to his home in Ziklag after a journey and discovered that his enemies, the Amalekites, had destroyed

  • Your Worst Day Could End in Victory

    Your Worst Day Could End in Victory

    What is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you? The death of a loved one? A bad diagnosis? A painful divorce? No doubt you’ve experienced some very bad days—and have wondered how to not only survive them but also find hope in the midst of them. Brian Zahnd, pastor of Word of Life Church

  • When God Is Silent During Difficult Times

    When God Is Silent During Difficult Times

    I have a word for all of us living through the global challenges of the 21st century and in particular for those who on a personal level are facing what you would call the worst day of your life: Everything is going to be all right. I believe that. … I believe it because it

  • Brian Zahnd: Encourage Yourself in God

    Brian Zahnd: Encourage Yourself in God

    To help and encourage his congregation, Brian Zahnd, founder and senior pastor of Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, Missouri, developed a sermon series based on the story of David at Ziklag in 1 Samuel 30. When David and his men returned to Ziklag, they found that the Amalekites had invaded the city, burned…

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