Blair Parke

  • Your Territory is Enlarging Now

    Your Territory is Enlarging Now

    We have now begun the Feast of Tabernacles. It comes in the autumn after the start of the Hebrew New Year, Rosh Hashanah and the Day of Atonement. It’s also known as the Feast of Booths, the Feast of Sukkot and the Feast of Ingathering. The Feast of Tabernacles is a very special celebration. In

  • Can Prayer Change President Joe Biden and Our Nation?

    Can Prayer Change President Joe Biden and Our Nation?

    Have you ever felt like David when he faced Goliath? Most of you know the story. David is a God-fearing teenager who dares to go into hand-to-hand combat with a giant named Goliath. Goliath is a trained soldier and a giant of a man that stands 9′ 9″ tall. That is taller than the former

  • It’s Time To Tell Somone!

    It’s Time To Tell Somone!

    If you got past the ubiquitous news cycles this week about mandates and vaccinations, you may have noted the concern of many with the recent market sell-off. Financial experts called it “brutal,” with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping 600 points and the S&P 500 Index falling 1.7% on that one day! Fortunately, there was

  • Truth By Committee

    Truth By Committee

    “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:24-25, NIV). There are a lot of reasons community is important to

  • What Heaven Can’t Do

    What Heaven Can’t Do

    “The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see” (Heb. 11:1, MSG). Heaven is full of goodness but not all good things are in heaven. Sound strange? It is. But there is

  • So What?

    So What?

    This morning (and it doesn’t really matter what morning this morning is), the news is filled with chaos and destruction. Everywhere we go and in everything we read, we hear from people stating without equivocation that we are in the “end times.” “Don’t look now! Here comes the Tribulation!” Now, I am not saying that

  • Becoming Living Sacrifices

    Becoming Living Sacrifices

    What does it means to become a living sacrifice? I have to admit when I hear that I always think of the reverse: the walking dead. That usually means zombies or evil things but being a living sacrifice is far from that. It means to be alive to what Christ wants for us and dead

  • The Fall Feasts of the Lord  Part 3: The Continuing Feast of the Lord

    The Fall Feasts of the Lord Part 3: The Continuing Feast of the Lord

    The third and last of the Fall Feasts, which our Jewish friends celebrate each year, is known as the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles (or Sukkot in Hebrew). Leviticus 23:34-42 explains that this last of seven annual, religious celebrations is to be observed on the 15th of the Jewish, lunar-based month of Tishri. Although it usually

  • Root Sources for Derailed Sexual Development

    Root Sources for Derailed Sexual Development

    Many today find themselves infested with strongholds of sexual bondage and wonder how it could have happened. They’ve tried every way they know to get free but nothing has worked. That may be because they haven’t properly identified the roots and seriously engaged the almighty God to lead them from deliverance to freedom. Let’s look

  • Why Do The Nations Rage?

    Why Do The Nations Rage?

    The drumroll announcing the final curtain opening on the divine drama of human history is revealing the spectacular conflict soon to take center stage. The nations are raging. The geopolitical lines and historical alliances once deemed destined to endure the ravages of time have shifted dramatically in a single decade. Archenemies have baffled the world,

  • Why Don’t We Listen To God?

    Why Don’t We Listen To God?

    “Why didn’t you listen to me when I told you to stop eating sugar the first time back in 1977?” God asked me the other day. I had been thinking about Romans 11:33-36 and when He asked me that question, I saw three reasons why I didn’t and they all come from that passage of

  • Seven Strategies of Grace

    Seven Strategies of Grace

    Throughout the Scriptures, we see glimpses of the strategies of how grace works. I didn’t really understand that very much until I went on my weight-loss transformation journey. Then I began to see the many facets of grace. God’s grace is so vast that we really don’t understand it all because it is what God

  • A Time to Re-Fire the Coming Elijahs!

    A Time to Re-Fire the Coming Elijahs!

    Elijah’s Journey to Horeb “Ahab told Jezebel everything that Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, ‘May the gods punish me and do so severely if I don’t make your life like the life of one of them by this

  • Hollywood, Yom Kippur and Atonement

    Hollywood, Yom Kippur and Atonement

    I know no one reading this blog today will be shocked to know that there has always been tension between popular culture and biblical culture. What you may not know is that way back in 1927, as movies shifted from silent films to talking movies, the very first movie that was produced with synchronized sound

  • Remembering The Fall Feasts of the Lord  Part 2, The Day of Atonement

    Remembering The Fall Feasts of the Lord Part 2, The Day of Atonement

    Last time, we learned that the first of the three Fall Feasts of the Lord, the Feast of Trumpets, is called Yom Teruah in Hebrew, or Rosh Hashanah in modern Judaism. It occurs on the first day of the seventh month, known as Tishri, at the sighting of the New Moon (Lev. 23:23-25). This two-day

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