Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

3 Steps to Address Your Children’s Demonic Fears, Night Terrors and Night Anxiety

I was reading a U.S. News report about how one in four children have trouble getting to sleep, and 40% of these cases are based on fear.

I believe there is an increased assignment to steal the night away from children in this generation, creating an anxiety and fear epidemic like the world has never seen. People become irrational when not well-rested and can develop mental health issues when anxiety rules their sleeping hours. This strategy aims to derail our kids, but God wants to give His people power over it in our households. Your kids are called to have deep rest, peace and great dreams at night so they can lead great lives during the day.

When we realize that God designed sleep as a gift to reset and rest us, seeing our children robbed of sleep or fearing bedtime becomes even sadder. As more children struggle with fear in our generation, we can turn to spiritual principles in the Bible and exercise our prophetic authority over our children’s nighttime hours. You have the authority not only to pray but to lead your kids into lasting peace, and this generation needs that peace that surpasses our current understanding. Here are three things you can do to help address demonic fear, night terrors, or night anxiety for the children in your life.

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The first thing we often do is turn to prayer, but are you praying with spiritual authority? Several years ago, I coached some young parents on how to pray with their kids who were struggling at night. As they began to pray during their nighttime routine, the mother prayed, “I ask you, God, to take any fear away. We beg you, God, to keep demonic dreams away from us…” She was so focused on overcoming the enemy that she wasn’t focusing on the God element as much as the fear part. I love how the Bible focuses on the angels that God commands over us, on Jesus being with us, and on His all-powerful presence. Starting the prayer with the angelic powers of Psalm 91 and God having us stand no matter who falls around us, instead of “Please God, help us!” is a game-changer. It comes from within your heart to have a spiritual attitude that reflects the belief that God is bigger, present, dominant and has never lost a battle He has fought.

Declare the Lord’s Protection Over Your Home and Child

  • Scripture: Psalm 91:11 – “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”
  • Perspective: As Christian parents, it’s essential to establish your home as a place of divine protection. Declaring God’s protection and inviting His angels to guard over your child will create a spiritual barrier against any demonic influence. Your home should be a sanctuary where God’s peace reigns.
  • Prayer Directive: Pray this over your child each night: “Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare Your protection over my child. I ask You to send Your angels to guard our home and to surround [child’s name] with Your divine presence. Let Your peace that surpasses all understanding fill their heart and mind. Amen.”

My mother used to say, “Demons might try and bite you, but they have no teeth!” She thought this would be comforting, but then I pictured demons gumming me, and I was terrified until I learned to ask God to show me how He is bigger than the demonic realm or the evil in this world each time fear came. I chose to read stories, hear testimonies, and my parents fed me great info on why Christ is bigger than fear.

Speak the Authority of Christ Over Fear

  • Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
  • Perspective: Fear is not from God, and as parents, you have the authority to break its power over your child. Speak the truth of God’s Word over them, reminding them that they have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. This affirmation will help them confront and overcome fear with God’s strength.
  • Prayer Directive: Pray this with your child: “In the name of Jesus, we rebuke the spirit of fear. It has no place in [child’s name]’s life because You, Lord, have given them a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. We declare that fear is broken, and peace is established in their heart. Amen.”

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My daughter came to my room because it was dark and she didn’t want to wake me up because she felt bad for being afraid again for the fourth night in a row, so she just stood there. I woke up and saw someone standing over me, and I screamed! It was pretty funny, but now everyone was awake. Fear is such a thief. It steals peace, sleep, joy and the ability to be present with who God is. It’s the opposite of faith. As we train our kids about their spiritual authority and what faith is, we can also invite the Holy Spirit to be the focus of what we feel and experience instead of fear. Fear is no substitute for the presence of the Holy Spirit, and kids know the difference or learn it fast.

Invite the Presence of the Holy Spirit into Your Child’s Room

  • Scripture: John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
  • Perspective: The presence of the Holy Spirit brings peace that drives out all anxiety and fear. By inviting the Holy Spirit into your child’s room and declaring it as a space filled with God’s peace, you create an environment where night terrors and anxiety cannot thrive.
  • Prayer Directive: Pray this over your child’s room: “Holy Spirit, we welcome You into this room. Fill it with Your peace and let Your presence be felt in every corner. We declare that this space is a place of rest and comfort, where [child’s name] can sleep without fear or anxiety. Thank You, Lord, for Your abiding peace. Amen.”

These steps can help you spiritually equip your child to confront and overcome these challenges, ensuring that God’s peace reigns in their heart and home. Ultimately, God isn’t going to let fear win. He wants to strengthen and support your family and your kids through individual night fears or seasons of night terror. These seasons are not going to be your child’s story of sleep and night, but God is going to bless them with peace and purpose in their nighttime. Keep persevering, and it will come! Sometimes it’s just a matter of growing in your faithfulness to believe that through faith, these things will not be able to stand or stay.

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Shawn Bolz is a TV and podcast host, an author, producer and a Christian minister. He has been leading conversations in the church, entertainment industry, and in social justice that have helped believers connect their faith to culture in a transformative way. He is the host of the podcast, The Shawn Bolz Show with Shawn Bolz. Learn more at:

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