Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

In the April webinar*, we introduced the topic of the remnant of Israel and its significance for today. The remnant joined together with God’s children from the nations in The One New Man (TONM) will produce the catalyst to help usher in the great harvest and God’s end-time plans.

Who Is the Remnant of Israel?

A remnant speaks of a small part that remains or a small surviving group. The apostle Paul points us to a scriptural understanding of the remnant of Israel in Romans 11:1-6 through an account of the prophet Elijah. Paul writes that Elijah cried out to the Lord, lamenting that he was the only follower of God left in Israel at that time and despairing that Israel would be extinguished. God, however, consoled Elijah through these words: “I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal. So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace” (Rom. 11:4-5, ESV).

Verses 4 and 5 are crucial to our understanding of the remnant of Israel then (those Jewish believers who founded and established the ekklesia/church) and now, as Israel awakens spiritually to salvation (Jewish believers coming to faith in our age). Pay attention to verse 5: “So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.”

These verses also speak of a remnant of Jewish believers coming to faith from Paul’s time to the modern day. This is evidenced by a smaller number of Jewish believers coming to the Lord consistently throughout the centuries and the fact that there has always been a witness of Jewish believers, despite most of Israel’s rejection and hardening (see Romans 11:7-8), because of God’s grace and promises made to His covenant people.

And one day soon — please, God — Israel will be fully awakened to God’s Spirit and the veil over them lifted, as God’s gifts and call are irrevocable. (See Romans 11:25-29.)

What is the significance of the remnant of Israel now? Why is there a great need for God’s children from the nations to connect with the remnant, and what will it produce?

In 1967, Israel recaptured East Jerusalem during the Six-Day War. Since that time, more Jewish people have come to faith in Yeshua/Jesus since the days when He walked on the earth. The remnant of Israel is once again increasing in number. Now that Israel is awakening, we see the need for renewed love and unity between the two parts of the family: the Messianic Jewish contingent of believers and Gentile believers from the nations. We truly need to become one in Mashiach/Christ as The One New Man to represent the kingdom of God upon the earth. (See Ephesians 2:11-22.)

The apostle Paul made it clear in Romans 11 that there is a future redemption and restoration for Israel that is still to come. Reconnecting the Gentile believing church to the Jewish believing remnant in TONM will help awaken Israel (Jewish people who still have not believed) and further the fullness of the Gentiles. The Reconnection message produces a body united in spirit to advance God’s purposes on the earth. “If their [the Jewish people’s] rejection brought reconciliation to the world [the nations], what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” (Rom. 11:15, NIV). The Reconnection is a key to this end-time revival.

Jewish and Gentile believers becoming unified in TONM does not mean we all have to be the same. Each group should have the freedom to practice their faith according to their traditions, culture and heritage, not that they must conform to the others. Gregg Healey of the New Breed of Business ministry shared a relevant dream in the webinar, cautioning the Gentile church to bless Messianic expression.

The focal point of the dream is that Gentile believers should be careful not to bring Jewish believers into the wild branches of the Gentile side of the olive tree (Gentile traditions). Instead, they should help restore them to the natural branches (Jewish heritage and traditions). (See Romans 11:17-24.) Through The Reconnection in TONM, love flows from the Gentile branches of the olive tree, not only to bless the Jewish branches but also to respect their identity and different expressions of faith.

The Jewish branches will then flourish, which in turn will release tremendous blessing and power back to the Gentile branches. And the entire olive tree will bear more abundant fruit for the kingdom of God.

Through The Reconnection message, the church holds up the arms of Israel’s remnant and gives it full support and blessings, financially and spiritually. It upholds Jewish congregations and ministries through giving, prayer and intercession, and worship, particularly in the land of Israel, for they are on the front lines of the battle against the enemy. A reconnected church of Jewish and Gentile believers will help bring about Israel’s awakening.

If we want the fire, we need first to reconnect the wire.

To watch the webinar, please click here.

Tune in to The Romans 911 Project podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

* The Romans 911 Project Webinar is a new, one-of-a-kind virtual meeting for the ekklesia/church where believers from around the globe can enter into a deeper dialogue on The One New Man (TONM) issues. This webinar provides a platform to delve into the many issues affecting unity between Messianic and Gentile believers.

Author and speaker Grant Berry is the founder of Reconnecting Ministries and producer of The Romans 911 Project. Grant is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and is promoting a new message to the body of Messiah/Christ during these last days known as The Reconnection. The Reconnection is a term used to describe the reuniting and reconciliation of Jewish and Gentile believers and all races and tongues into John 17 love and unity in The One New Man now that Israel’s awakening is upon us. The Romans 911 Project has been created to bring The Reconnection message to light, which has primarily been hidden in the mystery of Israel’s restoration according to Romans 11:25-27. For more information and a special offer on The Romans 911 Project, please visit

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