
Prophecy: Find Your Treasure While Longing for Answers

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It is hard to sit still through this tedious legal process of exposure and not know from day to day what is happening about the election. Even as we scroll through social media for updates and scan alternative networks for signs of success, so many of us struggle to just … wait.

It’s not in our nature. We need answers. We long for any indication that our prayers are working and hopes are being realized.

As I pondered this recently, God reminded me of all the times He purposely holds back—when He chooses to delay rather than to deliver (remember the raising of Lazarus). Knowing our propensity to be impatient, He stretches our ability to trust in that which we cannot see or understand, all for one purpose—to know His heart. And that usually takes longer.

I shared this with a fellow prophet yesterday as I reflected on my own perspective in this process. As she prayed for me, she had a vision of Jesus kneeling down in front of a treasure chest, pulling up gems and jewels from deep within. She said that I have been drawing from the treasures that were familiar to me and immediately available on top of the pile .

Though these revelations and truths were good, He was now digging down much deeper to bring out rare and undiscovered gems that could only be found at the bottom. Going past the surface of what’s easily accessed, He was bringing up previously unknown treasures to the surface for all to see—and His hands were dripping with the anointing as He extended them to me.

I sat before Him for further understanding and asked what these treasures represented. Were they insights for more effective prayer? Strategies for victory? New spiritual gifts to share?

But I didn’t get an immediate response. It wasn’t until later that evening when the Holy Spirit unexpectedly came over me and revealed the answer:

“These treasures are the secret of My heart.”

When I heard those words, the anointing and manifest glory of the Lord saturated my being as I sat in His presence. I felt the immense honor He was extending, not only to me, but to any who are willing to watch with Him.

It is not only the prophets to whom He reveals His secrets—it is to any and all who are willing to wait for them. I pray that, even now as you are reading this, the same manifest presence of the Lord would come on you to confirm His desire for your journey and give you the grace to linger and look for this treasure.

This is what heaven sees as true and lasting—to know, without any doubt, the depths of the Father’s love and what causes Him to do and say what He does. Even as we are praying for the lies of the enemy to be exposed and the adversary’s true intentions brought into the light, we cannot miss the greater treasure to be found. God wants to reveal His heart to a world that has no clue as to the nature of His love or the zealous passion He has for those who seek Him.

This morning as I lingered more on these thoughts, He spoke again concerning the reason for any seeming delay in rendering justice on the earth. Even as He is pleased with our intercession, prophetic declarations and intentional initiatives, He said:

“I’m looking for those who have learned to wait simply because they know my heart. Period.”

I want to encourage all of you. Even as we continue to pray and stand fast in faith, let us not miss these deeper treasures of the Lord. We can believe in the prophets, but they cannot be the reason we stand.

We can declare that this president has a God-ordained assignment to complete, but that cannot be the hope of our calling. We can champion the legal proceedings and intercede for those exposing the corruption, but they cannot be the focus of our mission. And even as millions are standing in the gap as never before, their testimony and witness cannot be the source of our strength.

As seen throughout generations of biblical history, God often waits until the last minute to reveal Himself—not because He’s slow to respond, but because He has something much bigger in mind. He’s after our heart, not the fulfillment of our limited expectations. His ways can’t be predicted, and He rarely does things the same way twice.

Yet, He always exceeds our wildest dreams and overwhelms our highest hopes. Yes, the enemy will be exposed for all the world to see, but the greater treasure will be in the revealing of the glorious one in whom we place all our hope and trust.

He alone is worthy of the wait. {eoa}

Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and writes for several national online publications. She is also a speaker and the author of five books including Prayer That Sparks National Revival and Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God. Follow her blog at wandaalger.me.

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