{ Day 333 }

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Mike Bickle

But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. —1 Corinthians 12:11, NKJV, emphasis added

Being called into some kind of prophetic ministry is not necessarily the reward for how diligent you have been to seek to mature in prophecy. It’s not even determined by how eager you are to grow in wisdom and character. It is a matter of God’s sovereign call. The same thing is true with regard to each individual manifestation of the Spirit. We serve a personal God who has His own purposes for each individual. God is not an impersonal force. A Tibetan monk may go through exercises and disciplines, thinking these will help him become an ascended master. But the gifts and callings of God are not primarily based on our striving, seeking, or searching, but they are based on His sovereign choice and His grace. It is not a matter of our efforts to attain or develop spiritual skills. It is all about God’s sovereign calling and God’s gracious giftings.


Father, help me to understand the purpose for the giftings You have given to me. Show me why You have called me to these gifts, and enable me to respond as Your grace gives me strength.

There is a place for diligently seeking to grow in gifting,
character, and maturity. But while diligence causes you
to grow within your calling, it does not
determine your calling.

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