Life Transformed

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DeWayne Hamby


By John Loren Sandford and R. Loren Sandford | Charisma House | softcover | 224 pages | $14.99

The Sandfords, father and son authors, focus on mind renewal in Life Transformed: How to Renew Your Mind, Overcome Old Habits, and Become the Person God Designed You to Be. The authors alternate writing chapters, drawing on their years of prayer ministry experience and using biblical examples of mental strongholds and past hurts that can be overcome.

The problem of the carnality of the human mind is quickly addressed, even focusing on the first such instance traced back to Adam and Eve.

The Sandfords dissect worldly influences on otherwise biblical thought processes, covering such subjects as family interaction, self-control and assimilation into a church body. When a person sanctifies his thought life, the authors write, remnants of those dead patterns of thinking can still reappear, but only hold power if the believer gives into them. Many believers have victory over their old habits but still need confidence that they have overcome.

Life Transformed is a well-researched resource that should appeal to Christian readers across the board, but especially those struggling to overcome spiritually defeating thought patterns.

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