
  • Millions at Risk as Historic Famine Unfolds

    Millions at Risk as Historic Famine Unfolds

    It is easy to take for granted the ease with which we are capable of going to a grocery store and choosing from a wide variety of food in the West. While this blessing came from honoring God and a system that brought forth abundance for the nations, there are many countries that have not

  • Could the Prophetic Ezekiel Alliance Be Emerging?

    Could the Prophetic Ezekiel Alliance Be Emerging?

    Wars and rumors of war. Apostasy. Earthquakes. Famine. Pestilence. All these things and many others are listed as signs before the return of Jesus Christ. But before the King of kings makes His return, events on earth must first take place and systems must be set up to prepare the way for the reign of

  • Sudanese Christian Slaves Saved in Modern-Day Underground Railroad: ‘Extremely Dangerous Work’

    Sudanese Christian Slaves Saved in Modern-Day Underground Railroad: ‘Extremely Dangerous Work’

    An organization combatting Christian persecution across the globe recently announced it helped free 1,500 Sudanese slaves last year, bringing the total liberated over the past three decades to over 100,000. Joel Veldkamp, head of international communications at Christian Solidarity International, told CBN News Christians and followers of indigenous religions in South Sudan have been the

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