
  • Additional States Push for Chaplains in Public Schools

    Additional States Push for Chaplains in Public Schools

    In the upcoming school year, Florida public schools will join other states in allowing volunteer chaplains on campus to counsel students. Now that Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has signed the measure into law, even more states are expected to follow suit.  After this law takes effect July 1, the process will begin as volunteer chaplains

  • Florida Elementary School Gives in to Atheist Group’s Demands, Dissolves Christian Club

    Florida Elementary School Gives in to Atheist Group’s Demands, Dissolves Christian Club

    A Florida elementary school has dissolved its Fellowship of Christian Athletes club after the Freedom From Religion Foundation, an atheist activist group, pressured them to do so. Hamilton County School district had allowed the North Central Florida Fellowship of Christian Athletes to begin a new club at Hamilton Elementary, according to a statement from FFRF, an

  • School Staff Removed Following Drag Queen’s Provocative Prom Performance

    School Staff Removed Following Drag Queen’s Provocative Prom Performance

    A high school principal and several staff members are out of a job following a drag queen’s provocative prom performance. As American Faith reported, Atrisco Heritage Academy High School in New Mexico had a drag queen come to perform at the senior class prom. The drag queen, Mythica Sahreen, wore a scanty outfit and heels,

  • Students Horrified After Forced to Take Bestiality Class

    Students Horrified After Forced to Take Bestiality Class

    Parents and students alike are horrified after a class taught children about varying LGBTQ sexual acts, including bestiality. The class was presented at Renmark High School in Australia, where some of the students were as young as 13 years old, according to Harbinger’s Daily. Parents were not notified of the presentation prior to it taking

  • Pagan Prayers and Practices Invade Mandatory School Classes

    Pagan Prayers and Practices Invade Mandatory School Classes

    Paganism is continuing to infiltrate institutions across America, none more so than the education system across the country. Recently, troubling reports emerged from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, sparking concern about the encroachment of pagan rituals within academic spaces. As reported by Fox News, “The UCLA Jewish Faculty Resilience Group spoke to

  • Church-Run Schools Reportedly Ordered to Remove All Christian Symbols

    Church-Run Schools Reportedly Ordered to Remove All Christian Symbols

    A Hindu group in Assam, India, has given Christian schools in the state a 15-day ultimatum, demanding the removal of all faith-related symbols and images of Jesus and the Mother Mary. Satya Ranjan Borah, president of the Hindu group Kutumba Surakshya Parishad, is reportedly concerned Christians are using the schools to evangelize, according to UCA

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