
  • 4 Keys to Stewarding Your Sabbath

    4 Keys to Stewarding Your Sabbath

    In our fast-paced world, where time seems to slip through our fingers like sand, the concept of Sabbath—a day of rest and deliberately spending time with our Father in heaven—often gets lost in the shuffle of our busy lives. Yet the practice of stewarding the Sabbath, of intentionally setting aside time, holds profound significance that

  • The Profound Prophetic Significance of the Breaking of the Bread

    The Profound Prophetic Significance of the Breaking of the Bread

    Every Friday evening in Jewish homes around the world, a beautiful tradition takes place as families sit around their dinner table to welcome the Sabbath together. As a part of this traditional meal, the woman of the house says a prayer and lights the Sabbath candles. Then the man of the home holds up his glass of

  • ‘Israel Is at War’: Hamas Initiates Surprise Sabbath Attack

    ‘Israel Is at War’: Hamas Initiates Surprise Sabbath Attack

    “Israel is at war,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after Israelis woke up under attack by air, land and sea on Saturday, their Sabbath. Sirens blared as more than 2,000 rockets launched at Israel from the Gaza Strip attempted to pummel the Jewish state, and Israelis ran for bomb shelters early on Saturday. By

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