
  • 7 Traits of a Bitter Person

    7 Traits of a Bitter Person

    Hebrews 12:15 tells us a root of bitterness can spring up and defile many. This is because bitterness can spread to others even through multiple generations. When it comes to a person’s emotional state, bitterness refers to a lingering sense of resentment, anger or disappointment. This feeling often arises from perceived injustices, betrayals or unfulfilled

  • LIVE 4PM TODAY with Alexander Pagani: Vengeance vs. Revenge in God’s Legal System

    LIVE 4PM TODAY with Alexander Pagani: Vengeance vs. Revenge in God’s Legal System

    It’s never personal but all legal. Our God is righteous and fair; this needs to be established because it’s one thing to have a perfect legal system, but it’s another to have a perverted judge abusing that system. This is why many times in the Bible, God condemned judges who took bribes. All judges on

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