Rabbi Eric Tokajer

  • How Lovely Is the Picture You Present to the World?

    How Lovely Is the Picture You Present to the World?

    Throughout the world on Saturday mornings, Jewish people gather in synagogues and begin their prayer service with the following Hebrew words found in Numbers 24:5,  “Mah tovu ohalecha Yaakov, mishk’notecha Yisrael,” which means in English, “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your tabernacles, Israel.” These beautiful words of affirmation are spoken or sung by either an individual

  • What About ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’ When a Megachurch Pastor Falls?

    What About ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’ When a Megachurch Pastor Falls?

    The very public moral failures of a number of megachurch pastors over the past few months and years have not only caused a crisis for these men, their families, their congregations and the millions who have been influenced by their ministries. Their falls have also caused a theological crisis for many ministers, especially those who

  • God’s Provision for Your Promised Land

    God’s Provision for Your Promised Land

    I don’t know about you, but for me, there are many verses in the Bible that contain statements that can be difficult to understand. Once I understand them, they can become extremely encouraging, powerful and faith-building. One such verse is found in Numbers 14:9 (TLV, author’s emphasis): “Only don’t rebel against Adonai, and don’t be

  • The Hidden Value of Broken Vessels

    The Hidden Value of Broken Vessels

    I became a believer in Yeshua (Jesus) more than 40 years ago, and along with my introduction to Yeshua, I was introduced to gospel music. My wife, who was raised as a believer, had a huge gospel music album collection. As my love for Yeshua grew, so did my love for music that shared the

  • What Happens to Us When We Die?

    What Happens to Us When We Die?

    Over the past few weeks, we have had several members of our synagogue family who have lost extended family members. When you add these new deaths to the list of all of our friends and loved ones who have died over the past several years, you can understand why one of the most talked-about and

  • The Bible’s Most Unique Character

    The Bible’s Most Unique Character

    In the book of Numbers, we are introduced to many biblical characters; however, many people never really come to know the Bible’s most famous character. In order to introduce this character to you, I would like to take a look at one of the most familiar series of verses in the Bible. These verses have

  • Untangle Lies With Bible Truth  

    Untangle Lies With Bible Truth  

    I was asked recently to what I credit my success in ministry. My answer was “Money is the root of all evil.” I could tell the person who asked me the question didn’t understand my answer, and the truth is when I answered the question with that statement, I didn’t expect them to understand—at least,

  • The Dangers of a Nonbiblical Worldview

    The Dangers of a Nonbiblical Worldview

    It doesn’t take X-ray vision to be able to see that the world we are living in is in trouble. Most, if not all, of the crises we are experiencing around us are the result of a nonbiblical worldview. This nonbiblical worldview has even been adopted by many who claim to believe in Yeshua as

  • It Is Impossible for a Christian to Remain ‘Israel Adjacent’

    It Is Impossible for a Christian to Remain ‘Israel Adjacent’

    Around the world, antisemitism is growing once again at an alarming rate. As a Jew, this isn’t surprising, as every few hundred years the Jewish people become the scapegoat for some group of people. What does surprise me is the number of Christians who are joining their voices with those standing against Israel—Christians who, for

  • Obeying Parents Is Not the Same as Honoring Parents

    Obeying Parents Is Not the Same as Honoring Parents

    We live in a broken world filled with broken families—families in which many sons and daughters have been raised to believe in the G-D of the Bible and to be responsible to live by the Ten Commandments. Most understand and do what they can to keep these commandments, but an increasing number struggle with the

  • It Wasn’t the Stone That Killed Goliath

    It Wasn’t the Stone That Killed Goliath

    Neither was it the Israel Air Force that thwarted this week’s Iranian attack.  Like most of the world this past Saturday evening, I was glued to my television and cell phone as I watched in real time as Iran attacked Israel by firing a combination of over 300 missiles and drones toward Israel. Almost from

  • The Biblical Victory Not Written in the Bible

    The Biblical Victory Not Written in the Bible

    We all know there are many spiritual lessons we can learn from what is written about biblical heroes, such as Abraham, Moses and David. Entire books have been written to share lessons we can learn from reading what was written about Moses as he parted the Red Sea or from what was written about David

  • Antisemitism Watch: It Is Purim Again

    Antisemitism Watch: It Is Purim Again

    A person would have to be blind and deaf to not see and acknowledge that antisemitism is increasing dramatically globally, and not just among the usual suspects. Today, we find marches calling for the destruction of Israel and the death of the Jews, not only in countries where it has been the norm for decades

  • Did Moses Love G-D?

    Did Moses Love G-D?

    One of the heroes we read about in the early books of the Bible is Moses. Moses was an Israelite, born during the time of Israel’s captivity in Egypt, who became the leader of the Israelite people during their slavery and who led them all the way to the border of the promised land. His

  • Run as if Your Life Depends on It

    Run as if Your Life Depends on It

    Recently, my grandson hit his very first home run while playing baseball. Actually, what he hit was a single to the third baseman, who missed catching the ball. As my grandson ran to first base, the third-base player picked up the ball and threw it to the first baseman, who missed the ball, allowing it

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