
  • Ready for Chaos? Here’s How to Build Hope

    Ready for Chaos? Here’s How to Build Hope

    If you understand God’s plan, there is no reason for fear. Way too often, when we talk about the end times we focus on all of the bad things that are going to happen. And without a doubt, the Bible describes events that are so cataclysmic many of us have difficulty imaging what they will

  • Health Officials Alarmed as ’10 Times Deadlier’ Monkeypox Strain Spreads

    Health Officials Alarmed as ’10 Times Deadlier’ Monkeypox Strain Spreads

    A deadly new strain of monkeypox that is “killing children and causing miscarriages” is causing a tremendous amount of fear among global health authorities. We are being told that this strain is “10 times deadlier” than the one that infected people in more than 100 different countries in 2022, and apparently it spreads much more

  • Bird Flu Crisis Hits Amid WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Negotiations

    Bird Flu Crisis Hits Amid WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Negotiations

    Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of this month.  The global pandemic treaty will give the World Health Organization

  • Signs Of The Times: War, Famine, Pestilences And Natural Disasters

    Signs Of The Times: War, Famine, Pestilences And Natural Disasters

    People keep acting as if we are living in “normal” times, but the truth is that these are not “normal” times at all. We are in the midst of a “perfect storm”, but most people in the general population don’t seem to realize this. While the mainstream media is endlessly focused on political drama, our world is

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