
  • Beat These 3 Depression Traps Before They Spread

    Beat These 3 Depression Traps Before They Spread

    Depression is the second-most-prevalent mental health diagnosis in the United States, affecting an estimated 21.0 million adults. Among those affected are born-again believers, who profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior, who at times struggle to experience the joy mentioned in Romans 15:13. As a clinical and a pastoral counselor, through the years I’ve had

  • Demonic ‘Possession’ Drives Man to Murder

    Demonic ‘Possession’ Drives Man to Murder

    There have been heinous events throughout history. Satan’s perversion of humanity and his influence in committing atrocities is not new, but today’s culture feels as though it has been saturated by criminal acts and are viewed as mundane by modern audiences. Americans were shocked and appalled by the string of serial killers in the 1970s

  • LIVE with Greg Locke: 7 Bible Proofs of Demonic Warfare

    LIVE with Greg Locke: 7 Bible Proofs of Demonic Warfare

    The critics of deliverance ministry most often point to this argument: They claim it is impossible for a born again Christian to suffer demonic oppression, and in their estimation, they believe the Bible itself says so. The first verse these critics will point to is 1 Corinthians 6:19, which says believers are the “temple of

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