
  • Hidden Treasure at Ancient Site Sheds Light on Ten Commandments

    Hidden Treasure at Ancient Site Sheds Light on Ten Commandments

    As history continues to be unearth through archaeological excavations, the Bible is re-proven true and historically accurate when artifacts are discovered. This also includes the impact Christianity has had on the development of the West, as many these days try to argue that America was never a Christian nation, even though the ideals, morals and

  • The Biblical Victory Not Written in the Bible

    The Biblical Victory Not Written in the Bible

    We all know there are many spiritual lessons we can learn from what is written about biblical heroes, such as Abraham, Moses and David. Entire books have been written to share lessons we can learn from reading what was written about Moses as he parted the Red Sea or from what was written about David

  • Did Moses Love G-D?

    Did Moses Love G-D?

    One of the heroes we read about in the early books of the Bible is Moses. Moses was an Israelite, born during the time of Israel’s captivity in Egypt, who became the leader of the Israelite people during their slavery and who led them all the way to the border of the promised land. His

  • What Does True Holiness Look Like?

    What Does True Holiness Look Like?

    Following God means following the straight and narrow path. While many want to follow along this pathway, it can be difficult to know what is meant by this “straight and narrow” road. In his latest Beyond The Article interview, author Ken Fish provides fantastic insight and understanding into what it means to pursue a life

  • Discover Moses’ Divine Secret to Lasting Peace

    Discover Moses’ Divine Secret to Lasting Peace

    When I read the Bible, I love to look for unusual events or sayings or patterns. Many times, these little things may seem unimportant, so we don’t pay much attention to them. However, I have found that whenever the Bible repeats itself, there is always a reason for the extra. The Bible contains no redundancies,

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