John Calvin

  • Morning Rundown: Hundreds in Gaza Report Jesus Appearing to Them in Dreams

    Morning Rundown: Hundreds in Gaza Report Jesus Appearing to Them in Dreams

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Hundreds in Gaza Report Jesus Appearing to Them in Dreams In the war-torn region of Gaza, a remarkable story is unfolding, echoing the biblical prophecies of the end times. According to Christian professor Michael Licona, more than 200 Muslim men have experienced life-altering visions of

  • What John Calvin Got Wrong About the Restoration of the Kingdom

    What John Calvin Got Wrong About the Restoration of the Kingdom

    The book of Acts records that, after the resurrection of Jesus, He appeared to the apostles “over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3c, NIV). This was in addition to the three-plus years they had spent with Him before His crucifixion, sitting at His feet and drinking in

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