
  • 3 Things You Need to Know About Angels

    3 Things You Need to Know About Angels

    One cried to another and said: Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory (Is. 6:3). For many of us, angels are a fascinating topic. However, many people have misconceptions about them and their purpose. In Katie Souza’s recent teaching on angels, she dives in deep to

  • A Woman Says That An Angel Showed Her 4 Major Things That Are Going To Happen In 2025

    A Woman Says That An Angel Showed Her 4 Major Things That Are Going To Happen In 2025

    Are you ready for complete and utter chaos to break loose in 2025?  In this article, I am going to share with you a very alarming video that a friend sent over. I watched the entire video, and it really resonated with me. A woman says that an angel showed her 4 major things that are coming

  • What Happens to Us When We Die?

    What Happens to Us When We Die?

    Over the past few weeks, we have had several members of our synagogue family who have lost extended family members. When you add these new deaths to the list of all of our friends and loved ones who have died over the past several years, you can understand why one of the most talked-about and

  • YouTuber Sees Glimpse of Heaven in Supernatural Encounter

    YouTuber Sees Glimpse of Heaven in Supernatural Encounter

    What do believers do when they have a supernatural experience that others cannot connect with? Jennifer Bagnaschi of the Deep Believer YouTube channel has been inspiring people to tell their testimonies of faith and supernatural encounters with God. But Bagnaschi herself has an incredible testimony of how she saw God’s divinity in an incredible experience.

  • Near-Death Experience Leads Man to Heaven and Jesus: ‘I Was a Walking Dead Man’

    Near-Death Experience Leads Man to Heaven and Jesus: ‘I Was a Walking Dead Man’

    Randy Kay’s “afterlife” experience still leaves him visibly emotional as he recounts visiting heaven, meeting Jesus and returning to share his harrowing journey. Kay, author of “Heaven Stormed: A Heavenly Encounter Reveals Your Assignment in the End Time Outpouring and Tribulation,” told CBN News he was once a denier of near-death experience claims—until he faced

  • 5 Lies About Hell

    5 Lies About Hell

    You may have heard that hell is just a temporary place where bad people go when they die before they are annihilated. Is this a true statement? There are a number of popular beliefs about hell, many not found in the Bible. What lies are you believing about hell? See if you have adopted any

  • My Mother, My Proverbs 31 Shero

    My Mother, My Proverbs 31 Shero

    For many years, especially on Mother’s Day, I have meditated on the virtuous woman from Scripture, found in the book of Proverbs, Chapter 31. I have admired many women who fit the pattern of the Proverbs 31 woman. My mother, Dr. Naomi Ruth Barber King, remains at the top of my list of “sheroes.” “Her

  • Jesus Is Getting Our Rooms Ready

    Jesus Is Getting Our Rooms Ready

    n the Gospel of John, Jesus tells his followers about our future in heaven: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in Me. There is more than enough room in My Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place

  • 93-Year-Old Has Remarkable Vision About Heaven

    93-Year-Old Has Remarkable Vision About Heaven

    93-year-old Doris Sumner’s supernatural experience with God has changed her entire life. Sharing her testimony through Seeking His Presence Ministries, Sumner says this vision started during a time of meditating and reading the Word of God with her husband. Soon, it appeared as though her husband was gone, and there was a divine presence in

  • How 23 Minutes in Hell Changed This Man’s Life

    How 23 Minutes in Hell Changed This Man’s Life

    Bill Wiese had an out-of-body experience where God showed him the excruciating horrors of hell. After being a Christian for 28 years, this scenario is far from what he would have ever thought would happen. “It’s far more horrendous than anybody can imagine, but I saw prison cells. I saw a large, raging pit of

  • Claims of Visiting Heaven Prove Bible

    Claims of Visiting Heaven Prove Bible

    John Burke, a pastor and author who has studied and examined more than 1,000 accounts of near-death experiences, believes such reports provide faith-building evidence of God and the Bible. Burke, author of the new book Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted, told CBN Digital why he

  • 5 Things to Know About Jesus’ Experience in Hell

    5 Things to Know About Jesus’ Experience in Hell

    After Jesus’ death on the cross what did He experience in hell? Here are five things you need to know about the Savior’s time in this dark and dreary place. Best-selling author of “23 Minutes in Hell” Bill Wiese reminds us that the Scriptures tell us Jesus committed His Spirit into the hands of His

  • Who Will Be in the Lake of Fire?

    Who Will Be in the Lake of Fire?

    Who will be in the lake of fire? Revelation 21:8b (NKJV) says, “the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.” Did you catch that? All liars. Have you ever told a lie? We all have—not to mention the other sins listed in

  • Billy Graham’s Final Surviving Sibling, Jean Graham Ford, Dead at 91

    Billy Graham’s Final Surviving Sibling, Jean Graham Ford, Dead at 91

    Jean Graham Ford, wife of evangelist Leighton Ford and the only remaining sibling of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, died on Feb. 29 at age 91. Her nephew Franklin Graham shared the news on Facebook, noting that his father, “sought her counsel on many issues during his lifetime” and that “We are thankful for her life

  • ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

    ‘I Refuse to Believe in a God Who Would Make Hell’

    If you are a person who says, “I refuse to believe in a God who would make hell,” here are three things you may want to consider: 1. God is the one who has provided the only way to keep you out of hell. If you choose to reject Him, hell is exactly where you

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