
  • What the World Can’t Give You

    What the World Can’t Give You

    People search for happiness in a lot of places. They look to things like relationships, money, vacations, houses, clothes and even open doors of opportunity. Yet while these things can bring a degree of excitement for a period of time, happiness is based on what is happening in the moment. I was a Christian for

  • Do the Winter Blues Have You Feeling Sad? Here’s What You Can Do

    Do the Winter Blues Have You Feeling Sad? Here’s What You Can Do

    This time of year, millions of Americans suffer from the so-called “Winter Blues,” or the more serious Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as “SAD,” a medically recognized form of depression. These conditions affect people who say they feel good most of the year, but report feeling gloomy and lazy during the winter. In most of

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