
  • 3 Shocking Stories Everyone Needs to Know

    3 Shocking Stories Everyone Needs to Know

    The past couple of weeks have truly been historic. Take a moment and just consider some of the major events that we have witnessed. Donald Trump got shot, Joe Biden dropped out of the race for president and Kamala Harris quickly became the new presumptive nominee. It is hard to remember a time when so

  • The 7 Steps to the Antichrist’s Ascent

    The 7 Steps to the Antichrist’s Ascent

    End times talk is all around us, wondering where on the Revelation timeline we may be, and rightfully so with evil sweeping across the world. Biblical events should be discussed and debated, regardless what time period we live in. Jesus commanded His followers to be ready at a moment’s notice. If not, you will be

  • 8 Signs of How Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming

    8 Signs of How Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming

    In The Wizard of Oz, at one point Dorothy tells her dog that she has “a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” She had been dropped in a strange new world that was crazier than anything she had ever imagined. Needless to say, many of us feel the exact same way. We’re not in the

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