
  • Deceived by Demons

    Deceived by Demons

    So many people believe that hell, Satan and demons are just a joke or fantasy. They base their belief on the lies they have heard taught by other deceived people or on their feelings. The Bible tells us Satan deceives unbelievers. Are you one of the deceived? Satan, who is the god of this world,

  • 5 Reasons I No Longer Pray the Rosary

    5 Reasons I No Longer Pray the Rosary

    Growing up as a fervent Catholic, I prayed the rosary often. In fact, I still have my original rosary in a shadow box with a picture of me in my altar boy cassock. During those formative years, running my fingers over the crucifix and 59 beads while repeating the assigned prayers was an often-recurring part

  • Morning Rundown: Steve Strang Responds to Mike Bickle’s Personal Statement Amid Investigation

    Morning Rundown: Steve Strang Responds to Mike Bickle’s Personal Statement Amid Investigation

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Steve Strang Responds to Mike Bickle’s Personal Statement Amid Investigation On Dec. 12, Mike Bickle released his personal statement about the allegations that were brought against him back in October. On his most recent Strang Report, Stephen Strang discussed how Christians can prayerfully and wisely

  • Beware These 10 Heretical Views Regarding Jesus

    Beware These 10 Heretical Views Regarding Jesus

    Having a biblical view of Jesus during this Christmas season is essential. Unfortunately, many people in Christianity have erroneous concepts: Some think He was a created being, some think He was just a good teacher, some think He was fully divine and not human and some believe He was fully human and not God. Jesus

  • Do You Believe in the ‘Immaculate Conception’ of Mary?

    Do You Believe in the ‘Immaculate Conception’ of Mary?

    Since the Bible does not specifically speak of the immaculate conception of Mary, I have rarely encountered it, considered it or even postulated about it. Raised as an evangelical-Pentecostal Protestant, I was not accustomed to even hearing, let alone reciting, the Hail Mary (in Latin, Ave Maria) prayer. Therefore I was somewhat surprised to recently

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