
  • Minnesota Walkout: Students and Teachers Oppose LGBTQ ‘Indoctrination’

    Minnesota Walkout: Students and Teachers Oppose LGBTQ ‘Indoctrination’

    BYLINE: Talia Wise/CBN News Nearly 2,000 Minnesota high school students opted out of an “LGBTQIA+ History and Culture” lesson earlier this month, according to a local parent’s rights group. The opt-outs came after Liberty Counsel, a non-profit legal group, sent a demand letter to Osseo Area Schools District 279, in March requesting that both teachers and students

  • Orange Children’s Curriculum Leaders Step Down After ‘Inappropriate Relationship’

    Orange Children’s Curriculum Leaders Step Down After ‘Inappropriate Relationship’

    Both the founder and CEO of a major children’s ministry curriculum have resigned from their positions with Orange curriculum following their ‘inappropriate’ relationship. The founder of the company, Reggie Joiner, admitted to prior inappropriate adult relationships. The CEO of Orange, Kristen Ivy, also voluntarily resigned after revealing she had a past relationship with Joiner. Breaking

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