
  • Morning Rundown: Why Every Christian Should Pray for Strong Discernment

    Morning Rundown: Why Every Christian Should Pray for Strong Discernment

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Why Every Christian Should Pray for Strong Discernment The recent scandal involving Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer in Kansas City has triggered serious soul-searching—and the reaction is understandable. People feel angry, betrayed and bewildered. They trusted leaders who seemed incredibly spiritual, but

  • Should Christians Be Cremated?

    Should Christians Be Cremated?

    In a recent episode of THE BEAT by Allen Parr, the rising trend of cremation over traditional burial among Americans was examined, sparking a biblical exploration of whether Christians should consider this option when faced with end-of-life decisions. Cremation on the Rise: A Changing Landscape Parr, host of THE BEAT, reported on the shifting cultural

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