Christian Nationalism

  • Donald Trump and the Project 2025 Mystery

    Donald Trump and the Project 2025 Mystery

    What on earth is Project 2025, and why has it become such a talking point for the presidential elections? According to former President Donald Trump, he knows nothing about it, other than that it represents the worst of the radical Right. In contrast, immediately after being endorsed by President Biden to take his spot in

  • Donald Trump, ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles and Accusations of Christian Nationalism

    Donald Trump, ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles and Accusations of Christian Nationalism

    President Donald Trump’s endorsement of the “God Bless the USA” Bible has been met with a storm of criticism. Some are calling it “sacrilege” and “heresy,” and others claim President Donald Trump’s endorsement of the “God Bless the USA” Bible has been met with a storm of criticism. Some are calling it “sacrilege” and “heresy,”

  • Repeating the Question: Is America a Christian Nation?

    Repeating the Question: Is America a Christian Nation?

    With the ever-increasing warnings about the alleged danger of “Christian nationalism,” however ambiguous that term might be, it is only fair to ask: Is America a Christian nation? And, just as importantly: Has America ever been a Christian nation? And how does this relate to Christian nationalism? One of the latest fear-provoking headlines, this one

  • Is Christian Nationalism a Threat to Democracy?

    Is Christian Nationalism a Threat to Democracy?

    Have you noticed that, almost everywhere you turn, “Christian nationalism” is in the news? On March 3, a headline on the Christian Post stated: “John MacArthur denounces Christian nationalism as ‘faulty viewpoint’ linked to postmillennialism.” On March 7, USA Today announced: “As Trump support merges with Christian nationalism, experts warn of extremist risks.” Similar headlines

  • Floyd Brown: Left Launches a Jihad Against ‘Christian Nationalism’

    Floyd Brown: Left Launches a Jihad Against ‘Christian Nationalism’

    As the 2024 political season starts going full swing, a new documentary is scheduled for release on Feb. 16 titled “God & Country.” What makes this movie starring mostly obscure evangelical leaders different is that it is produced by an avowed atheist: Hollywood actor and director Rob Reiner. Reiner is best known as Archie Bunker’s

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