
  • Your Blessed Assurance in the Worst of Times

    Your Blessed Assurance in the Worst of Times

    Recently, an Indian astrologer, Kushal Kumar, predicted that World War III would begin on June 18, based on that date having the “strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3,” he claimed. Meanwhile, a Russian nuclear-capable submarine just sailed past Florida to Cuba. If that were not enough, Iran has increased uranium enrichment, and North Korea issued

  • In These Days of End-Times Challenge, Don’t Compromise Your Commitment

    In These Days of End-Times Challenge, Don’t Compromise Your Commitment

    Well, Super Tuesday has come and gone, along with the typical self-congratulatory State of the Union address by our president. Now, we have only eight more months of rancorous remarks and judicial decisions until our general elections. Scripture calls for believers to submit “to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake” (1 Pet 2:13b).

  • How Can You Cope When Trials Overwhelm You?

    How Can You Cope When Trials Overwhelm You?

    Have you ever reached a point where life was too hard? Have you ever prayed, “Lord, I want to be more like You,” and then all hell broke loose? I have a friend in another state who is feeling overwhelmed like this right now. Life is just too difficult for him. First there was a

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