
  • 5 Things to Know on the Brownsville Revival’s Anniversary

    5 Things to Know on the Brownsville Revival’s Anniversary

    Today marks the anniversary of the Brownsville Revival which captivated hearts and minds as the Holy Spirit was poured out and miracles, signs and wonders were seen in action. Here are five things you need to know about this event which became a bedrock event in the Charismatic Movement. This Father’s Day service at Brownsville

  • Bishop Bill Hamon Celebrating 70 Years of Ministry

    Bishop Bill Hamon Celebrating 70 Years of Ministry

    Apostles and prophets from different streams of the apostolic and prophetic movements celebrated Bishop Bill Hamon’s 70th year in ministry and how he impacted their lives and ministries as they gathered from across the nation for two days in Waxahachie, Texas. The National Apostles and Prophets Roundtable and Conference on Mar. 12-13 was led by

  • Celebrating 48 Years of Marital Bliss

    Celebrating 48 Years of Marital Bliss

    Thursday, March 14, 2024, marks 48 years of marriage for Nancy and me, and I can truly say that they have been wonderful years. Whatever trials or tests or difficulties or disappointments we have endured have been far overshadowed by the blessed union we have experienced together. As I have often said, outside of my

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