Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why You May Be in Danger of Settling for Less Than God’s Best

Hint: Walking in godly prosperity has nothing to do with money.

We had seen a big chunk of Europe before we reached Zermatt, the destination our son, Austin, was looking forward to the most. To our disappointment, clouds masked Switzerland’s mountains.

One store owner assured us that, with a little luck, the winds might push aside the clouds to reveal the majestic Matterhorn. We grabbed some hot chocolate, sat and waited. Sure enough, the winds began their magic. Within an hour, the Matterhorn was revealed. What a sight to behold! Sort of. Austin verbalized what we were all thinking: “I’m a bit disappointed. This is incredible, but I thought it was going to be so much more.”

Well, I just had to capture what I saw as a “teachable moment,” so we talked about the buildups and letdowns of life. Unrushed, we enjoyed our cocoa and good conversation. And the whole time, unnoticed by us, the winds kept pushing at those clouds.

Austin gradually became less absorbed by our conversation and more absorbed in something farther off. “Mom, Dad, what is that?” he exclaimed. Looking up, I honestly had no idea what was in front of me. Hadn’t we already seen the Matterhorn?

More Than We Imagined

Austin’s smile said it all. What we had assumed earlier was the Matterhorn was only a small ridge. Our decision to sit and talk had allowed time for the winds to reveal the greatness of the true Matterhorn. It was more spectacular than we could have imagined!

I thought of Jesus’ words: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). That’s what the Matterhorn was—abundance. And that’s what I want my life to be. Abundant.

In Search of Abundance

Here’s the dilemma: we settle in life. We assume the big promotion is our Matterhorn, as great as it gets. We assume the dream husband or the dream house or the dream children are our Matterhorns—spectacular, breathtaking. And yet, even when we have all these, we say like Austin, “This is incredible, but I thought it was going to be so much more.”

God says, “There is more. There’s abundance. Don’t you want it, my child?” And in our heart, we know we want it, because in our heart we know something is still missing.

That’s when God whispers, “Abundance is found in one place, in one person—Me.”

My search for abundant life began more than 20 years ago when I realized God was issuing an invitation to me. If I offered Him all that I was—the good and the bad, my strengths and my weaknesses—He would make me all that He knew I could be. It took a lot of “two steps forward, one step back” responses on my part, but as I learned to trust Him, His power began to transform me. Just as I’ve seen firsthand that the Matterhorn is more majestic than I could have imagined, so I have experienced firsthand that God’s purposes for me are more amazing than I could have imagined.

Do you dare to step into the abundance God offers? Start here: Sit with your hot chocolate (or tea or coffee) and talk to God about your current life. The letdowns. The buildups. Tell Him about the clouds of tiredness or disappointment or brokenness that keep you from really living. Then, remind Him of His promise of abundant life. Ask Him to give you the patience to keep your eyes on Him while you wait for the clouds to pass on. Ask Him to help you see clearly the foothills and ridges that you have settled for in life when the Matterhorn awaits you. Ask Him to give you courage to step onto the path to becoming all God created you to be.

Are you a little nervous? All of us who dare to take God at His word feel nervous at times. But if you can let the wind of faith blow those nerves out of the way, you’ll discover that your Matterhorn awaits you—a life with God far better than what you have yet experienced.

Kim Crabill is the founder and president of Roses and Rainbows Ministries, Inc., and Community COFFEEs (Conversations of Friends of Faith to Encourage and Equip). Kim has traveled nationally for more than 20 years, speaking at retreats, conferences and to Bible study groups, and has been interviewed on national TV and radio. Learn more about Kim and her ministry at She is the author of Burdens to Blessings: Discover the Power of Your Story (BroadStreet Publishing Group, Racine, Wisconsin).

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