I have kept that promise, and forty-nine years later I am still living out the commitment I made on that warm, summer night at junior camp. And it wasn’t something I put off until I had a college degree in hand that prepared me for the mission field. I came home from camp that summer with a belief that I could change my world—now!
Through this book, my desire is to give you some essential tools and resources on how to take Christ’s disruption and cultivate a mission-focused life. I want you to be prepared to serve others on a short-term mission trip as well as in the community in which you live. This book will also take you through a weekly study of biblical truths illustrated by disrupted stories that I pray will reveal to you daily those around you who desperately need the witness of Christ.
My hope is that a mission-focused life will become a part of the fiber of who you are so that, whether you are impacting those in faraway places or close to home, you are sharing in the cost of disrupted living.
Know that going on a short-term mission trip might take you to a distant place far from the comforts of your home, but cultivating a mission-focused life means that the disruptions aren’t over even after you have returned and started unpacking your suitcase.
So be open, because when God disrupts your life, he will probably change you in ways you never expected!
Excerpt from Disrupted: Cultivating a Mission Focused Life © 2013 by Gayla Congdon, published by Standard Publishing (www.standardpub.com). Reprinted with permission of the publisher.