Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Warfare Reason You Must Choose Your Words Wisely

Do you say what you have? Or do you say what you need? This is the topic of discussion for today.

Knowing our words have the power of life and death, we need to take what we say very seriously. But most people don’t consider what they say and just blurt whatever comes to mind. This thoughtless blurting causes great harm, not only to ourselves, but also to others.

If we continue to say to our spouse, “You never listen to me.” Guess what? Eventually, our spouse will stop listening to us. If we say, “God never hears me when I pray,” He will not respond to us when we pray. Why? Because our words possess the power of life and death. And this includes relationships as well as the human body. We either speak life or we speak death to those relationships. The correct way to speak to your spouse in this situation is to say something like, “I need to speak with you. It’s important. I need you to pay attention and actually hear what I have to say.” When it comes to God, thank Him for His loving care and for listening to your prayer.

When dealing with a sick body, the same principle applies. If you continue to say that you are sick, in pain and worn out, your body will obey your words and produce ill symptoms in your body. Instead you ought to change the way you speak over yourself and say what you have need of is already done, accomplished by faith instead of what you have, or don’t have. Romans 4:17 says it this way, “(as it is written, ‘I have made you a father of many nations’) before a God whom he believed, and who raises the dead, and calls those things that do not exist as though they did.” This form of speech may sound radical, and it is. It’s faith talk. It’s how God speaks. He creates the need or desired effect by speaking it into existence. And this is how He expects us to speak, like Him, by faith.

How does this look in real life? Someone receives a medical death report. The tests show that there is a cancerous tumor on the pancreas. They are told it is inoperable. There isn’t anything they can do for the individual. They are instructed to go home and put their affairs in order, prepare to die. This report is difficult to hear. But as Christians, how can we respond to such death reports?

If we want to fight to live, we have to get a handle on the power of words being spoken over us and by us. For example, with the above situation: “I am a Christian. I believe in the healing power of Jesus. And I cannot and will not receive this report.” And hold your ground, because people who do not know the Word concerning the healing promises of God will not understand your stance. And that’s okay. What matters is what you believe. And will you activate your faith and speak words that will produce what you have need of, instead of what you presently have.

How do you do this? Start by using the power of death in your words and curse the cancer and that deadly tumor it has produced in your body. And then use the power of life on your tongue and speak words that produce life, healing and strength in the name of Jesus. If you will hold up your shield of faith and speak as God does into the matter, your healing will manifest. {eoa}

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed as well as her latest book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words. Visit her at

This article originally appeared at

The example given above is a true story, and the person involved did as instructed and received a manifestation of healing by using the power of life and death in their words. They spoke the desired result—healing—into existence.

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