Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Prophetic Word: ‘Take Up Your Bed and Walk’

Today is a great day for miracles. It's a great day to get up and fight the good fight as a champion of God.

As many of you know, I was stricken with Chikungunya virus in May of 2014 while in Haiti, which made walking painful. The doctors told me it could take up to two years for my body to be totally healed. Although I was recovering well, growing stronger every day and praising my Healer, evidently with the two-year anniversary date approaching, the Great Physician decided it was time to bring closure to the matter.

While I was sitting in my study on Feb. 4, 2016, I experienced a supernatural encounter with the Lord when He suddenly spoke to my spirit and said, “Take up your bed and walk.” I felt like lightning from heaven was going through my body, even causing me to scream. The encounter with God lasted for several seconds, and was a powerful, life-changing experience.

From that day forth, I have been walking, leaping and praising God. My youth has been renewed. As I continue to walk, I go from strength to strength and glory to glory. I immediately started losing the extra weight I had gained during the illness, often a pound a day. The living Word was alive and active in my study on that amazing day, and I was restored and made whole. And this is what Jesus wants for you!

Take Up Your Bed

John 5 teaches us about the pool of Bethesda, where many sick, blind, lame and withered people would gather together, waiting for an angel to stir the waters. When the waters were stirred, the first person to get in was healed of whatever disease he or she had. Being the first to get in the pool does not imply a point in time here; rather, it implies those who first seek God’s affection, His kingdom and His righteousness.

John tells us that a certain man was there, who had been unable to walk for 38 years. When Jesus came by, He saw the man lying there, and knowing that he had been unable to walk for such a long time, Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5:6). The man explained that he had no one to help him. Upon hearing this, Jesus said to the man, “‘Rise, take up your bed and walk.’ And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked” (John 5:8-9). When Jesus speaks, we have proof of the omnipotence of Christ; He not only restored this man to health, but He gave evidence to those around Him that this was a real miracle.

Some of you may want to ask the Lord if you’ve been lying on a bed for too long. When the Lord says, “Rise,” it is a command from heaven. It’s awesome to know that this man was made whole and was obviously strengthened, as he was able to pick up his bed and walk. We can receive that same command of healing today. It only takes one word from Jesus to make us completely whole. The man at the pool was paralyzed, his body was contorted, and he was unable to walk, but when Jesus spoke, he was restored. I think it’s amazing that Chikungunya means “contorted.” If you’re feeling paralyzed in any way, remember that our God is an awesome God!

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