Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How God Builds a Stronghold in Your Life

Most Christians associate strongholds with the work of the enemy. Yet here's how you can build a fortress in your life for God.

Beginning with a working definition of terms creates a platform of understanding, lest misunderstanding come in and try to steal the truth that is being presented.

Hosea 4:6 says, “My people die for lack of knowledge.” They don’t die for lack of anointing, they die for lack of knowledge; they don’t die for falling down, they die for lack of knowledge. What we don’t know can hurt us, has hurt us and will continue to hurt us if we remain without knowledge of the ways of God or, better said, the nature of God, which is why we need to build a stronghold. Most Christians have been taught a stronghold is somewhere the enemy dwells in our lives, so we need to demolish strongholds (2 Cor. 10:3-5), which is many may be wondering why I am exhorting us to build a stronghold. When I was a new Christian in the late ’80s, there was a song line that said, “Why does the devil have all the good music?” Now that we have such incredible Christian music coming from Toby Mac, Dustin Smith and Bethel Music, we may not understand this song lyric. But when all you had was Amy Grant’s “Baby, Baby” or DC Talk’s “Heavenbound,” you can understand what the song was asking. Context is crucial when presenting a quote.

So let’s begin with a definition of terms and take back what the devil has stolen from us.

Stronghold: a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack; a fortress.

Fortress: a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town fit for a large garrison.

Garrison: the troops stationed in a fortress or town to defend it.

In the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we see a process of rebuilding the walls of protection for the people of God, and re-establishing the gates within those walls. As I was talking to a friend today, I realized the Lord has built a stronghold in my mind, He has used His words (walls of salvation) and worship/prayer (gates of praise) to build a stronghold that can protect His nature from attack in my life. He has built a fortress of truth with His word in my mind, so when the enemy comes and tries to tell me God is against me, or when circumstances try to tell me God is not good, the stronghold of His nature rises up in defense of His truth.

We are all familiar with negative strongholds in our lives or the lives of others. Some have a stronghold of anger, fear, anxiety, worry, depression, addiction, suspicion and the list goes on. When a situation arises, a word is spoken or something happens, the stronghold defends that which is housed inside of it from the attack or perceived attack they are facing. Money gets tight, and people start to worry; a job is lost, and people start to panic; a spouse says something you don’t like, and tempers flare; strongholds create a fortress that protects a belief, whether positive or negative.

I believe it is time to build a stronghold in your life of the nature of God. It can only be built by spending time in the Word of God, for His Word is like our walls of salvation. We also need to be in prayer and worship, for this is how you build the gates of praise that keep out what you want out and let in what you want in. As we need to continue to allow the Lord to tear down the demonic strongholds in our lives, why don’t we also begin to allow the Lord, through His Word, build new strongholds in our lives. So when the enemy comes in like a flood, like a fear, like an attitude, we have a standard to raise against it, because we have built a stronghold.

Lisa Great is an author, speaker and blogger with Mouthpiece Ministries International. She has been in ministry for over 25 years, she has a BA in Youth and Family Studies, a M.A. in Education. She can be reached at;; or on her Facebook page Lisa Great

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