Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

How Being Fat Saved My Life

Teresa Shields Parker

The closeness with God I had longed for all my life became more real as I started pressing in closer to Him, talking to Him like a friend, listening for His voice everywhere.

Scriptures began to come alive with reality as I experienced allowing Him to fully lead me. Sermons made sense. Songs radiated through me. I saw Him in secular books, movies and people. I saw Him in my life and the lives of my friends. I saw Him in the homeless guy on the corner with the sign “Stranded, Broke and Ugly” and wondered how his life would change if he could hold up the sign, “Free, Prosperous and Beautiful.”

It happened on the journey. I wasn’t there first and then the journey happened. The journey happened so I would begin to get there.

I know just as God used my weakness to start me on this journey, He is using this journey to bring me closer to Him. The closeness to Him is beginning to catapult me to my destiny.

God will use whatever it takes to reach us—to save us and set us free—body soul and spirit.

It may not seem spiritual at the time, but if you are His child, it will be the most spiritual journey you can ever take.

Teresa Shields Parker is an author, blogger, editor, business owner, wife and mother. Her book, Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds and Stopped Trying to Earn God’s Favor is available on Amazon in print, Kindle and Audible. This story is from her blog,

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