Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Could This Fatal Attitude Be Blocking Your Miracle?

Learn from Sarah who experienced God's wonder despite her mistakes.

Your situation may seem too difficult for a miracle. Perhaps there is no medical cure, or it has been a lifelong condition to which you have grown accustomed. Your five senses, human reasoning and medical reports shout, “This is impossible.” Even though you know the Scriptures say that with God all things are possible, you still struggle with doubt and unbelief.

There was a woman named Sarai (her name was later changed to Sarah) who faced an impossible situation. She was barren, and even though God promised her she would birth a son, she could not see herself ever having a child. Like her husband, Abram (his name was later changed to Abraham), she had no hope of having a child of her own. Instead of seeing God as her hope, she blamed Him for her barrenness. Sizing up the situation in the natural and using her five senses and human understanding as her guide, she came up with a plan of her own. Abram agreed and conceived a child with her maidservant, Hagar (see Gen. 16). Her meddling plan was not God’s; it was conceived of the flesh, not by faith, and it gave no glory to God. Sarai had a hard lesson to learn, for she was now despised in the eyes of her maidservant. She made a mess of the situation, and God’s promise did not come to pass.

In order to have a miracle, you must first have an impossible situation. And it is important to remember that God’s promise for a miracle cannot be brought to fruition via your human plan or reasoning. You need to submit to God’s supernatural means: faith. And faith is how you can obtain your miracle.

As I said, this woman of God, Sarai, made a mess out of the situation and made matters worse because she chose not to trust God by faith, coming up with a reasonable solution to a supernatural promise. But God is merciful, and 13 years later, He visited the couple again and said if they would listen and do it His way this time, she would bear a son within one year.

In order for this miraculous promise to come to pass, Sarah had a decision to make. Would she believe or not? When God’s messengers first gave her the prophetic word that she would bear a child, she laughed with doubt and unbelief. After all, she was 89 years of age, past the age of childbearing, and she had been barren all her life. When the messengers asked why she laughed at God’s promise, she lied and denied her laughter, but they corrected her.  And just as with Sarah, God knows what’s in your heart. It needs to be cleansed of all doubt and unbelief for your miracle to come to pass.

Hebrews 11:11 tells us what Sarah had decided. “By faith Sarah herself also received the ability to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.”

She made the right decision, and it was a tough decision to make. All human reasoning along with her five senses screamed this was impossible, but because she judged God faithful to keep His promise, she received strength to conceive and bear Abraham’s son, Isaac, at the age of 90. What an amazing woman of faith she became. Will you be like her and judge our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, faithful to keep His promise and conceive the strength to receive your healing and miracle?

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and, soon to be released, The Healing Creed. Visit her at

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