Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Ways to End the Workaholic Cycle

Are you busy or fruitful in fulfilling God's purpose for your life?

We live and work in a culture that glamorizes “busy.”

We idolize workaholics as superhuman and glorify an approach to measuring success that often leads to burnout and broken lives.

Yes, there are times when we need to burn the midnight oil, but it should not be the norm or pattern for how we live and work.

“God didn’t call us to be busy,” says Joyce Meyer, “He called us to be fruitful.” I agree.

I found a shift was required in my understanding of God’s ways and how to decide what the fruitful work would be for me in each season of building my career. Family discussions helped my husband and I protect our relationships in crunch time and still accomplish our goals.

The path to a more fruitful work life begins with seeking God first. When we do, He adds blessings without sorrow (Matt. 6:33; Prov. 10:22). 

Busy or Fruitful?

Here are three keys to navigate seasons requiring increased activity so that we are not just busy, but fruitful:

(1) Define a fruitful destination.

Identify how to recognize and measure the results you desire to produce in your life and work. Use practical terms keeping it simple. For example, “I want to make ten client calls a day and be home in time for dinner every night by 6 p.m.”

(2) Align your calendar with your vision.

Use your vision as a roadmap to decide what goes on your calendar and stick with it. When you enter an exceptionally full season of work, meet with your family or close friends to clarify the boundaries and roles in this time. Recalibrate every six weeks to stay focused on your priorities.

(3) Pay attention to the road.

Know your capacity and the warning signs when you are “running out of gas.” When you recognize the signals, refuel to continue at a good pace. Make sure you enjoy and harness the right opportunities.

While God loves order, He is also the God of adventure and new horizons. The future is not entirely predictable, and you don’t want to plan the excitement and activity out of your life. Give yourself the freedom to encounter God in new ways in seasons requiring more activity. Recognize when God is showing up in the moment. He is a creative God and loves to expand our thinking while keeping us on course.

He invites you to be fruitful for His glory in your assignment today.

Enjoy getting to know Him in the process.

God loves the journey with you now and forever.


Copyright 2013 – – Linda Fields – All Rights Reserved


Linda Fields is the founder and CEO of 7M-pact (, the marketplace ministry expression for the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri, and beyond. Sharing insights from over 30 years of corporate training and teaching university business classes, Field speaks, consults and coaches individuals to lead well. She is the author of IMPACT Your Sphere of INFLUENCE: Bringing God’s Presence in the Workplace, Find Your Why Forward and other resources.


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