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Sat. Jan 11th, 2025

3 Keys to Faith That Break Barriers Over Your Life

woman breaking out of a box

Just as you did when you were converted, confess with your mouth that the destiny God has for you is yours, and that the Word of God will bear fruit in your life and ministry. Establish your belief in the authority of God’s Word and claim His promises. He will restore you and everything the enemy has stolen.

The outcast had heard of Jesus and made her way to Him. Only one thing remained. The Scripture says: “She was thinking to herself, ‘If I can put a finger on His robe, I can get well'” (Mark 5:29).

She touched Jesus. Let me give you my short definition of faith: Faith is the hand that touches God. Luke 6:19 says, “And the people all tried to touch Him, because power was coming from Him and healing them all” (NIV).

This word “touch” doesn’t mean a light brushing. When the woman reached Jesus, she wasn’t wanting to examine His robe to see what kind of fabric it was.

She must have been remembering the desperation of her life, all the limitations and the misery her family had gone through. And she grabbed onto Jesus because she knew that with one touch the power of God would be released to her and change her destiny.

This woman—this outcast—touched Jesus and was sent on her way, healed and whole. She was no longer boxed in by sickness and religious traditions.

Today, God’s power to deliver is just as real for you. Whether it is sickness or systems, the moment you touch Jesus, a surge of His power will wash over you and break the shackles that bind your body, mind and spirit.

Declare What God Declares
The apostle John said, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8, NKJV). The bondages that limit you and stop you from walking in obedience to God’s will are the works of the devil that Jesus came to destroy.

We have absolute authority to speak to our conditions. We can tell the chains to break and the doors around us to unlock in the name of Jesus! (See Matt. 16:19.) God and His Word are aligned and cannot be separated. Don’t be a victim any longer. Lift your hands in victory and declare, according to the Word of God, “I break a fatalistic mentality off of my life, in Jesus’ name!”

Are you ready to break out of your limitations? Are you ready to be healed and restored? Then hear His Word to you: “Daughter, take a risk of faith. Your faith will restore you.” You are not destined to stay in your circumstances when the God of the breakthrough—your God—is with you.

Naomi Dowdy is a widely respected global leader and apostolic strategist.

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