3 Fears That Will Shut Down Your Future

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Leilani Haywood

fearful woman

I shared these fears with my children and they exhorted me to move forward and get this book published because someone needs to read it. “If one person’s life is changed by this book, it’s worth the effort,” said my husband, Jerome.

God breaking this fear of failure over my life will set my children free to step out in their destiny. These two fears hold you back from fulfilling God’s calling on your life. Let go of the fear and speak faith over your life. Last night I heard Reinhard Bonnke, an evangelist who has led 70 million people to the Lord over the course of his ministry say, “God told me that when I speak His word, it’s as if He is speaking His word. The Holy Spirit hovers over a city or over a church but can’t do anything until His word is spoken.” Bonnke expounded on Genesis 1:2-3: “The earth was formless and void, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water. God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”

Nothing was done until the word of God was spoken. The Holy Spirit is hovering over your life and waiting for you to speak the word of God. Speak the word of God over your family, your finances and your church. Speak the word of God over your fears. As a help you to, here’s a link to Scriptures that you can speak over your life.

The fear of what will people think. This is another fear that ruled my life. I can tell when people are ruled by this fear because they are so afraid to step out on a dream or idea because of what people will think. They want everyone’s approval before they will act on an idea. I believe in counsel and wisdom and doing your homework before stepping out. But there comes a time when you’ve done all of your homework, you’ve talked to all the important people in your life who either agree, disagree or don’t care, and then you have to act.

Ultimately you’re the one who is going to stand before God on whether you obeyed or not. Your husband or your best friend isn’t going to be the one held accountable. Your pastor isn’t accountable. You are the one who is responsible for your calling.

I’ve seen people leave my church because they were overlooked or didn’t get the support they thought they deserved for their calling or ministry. One woman who wanted to leave my church was upset that she wasn’t on the praise and worship team. I asked her, “Do you want to be on the praise and worship team or do you want to carry revival to your nation?” She stayed and moved back to her nation where God has placed her to influence people.

I view the church as an equipping station and the world is my mission field. I receive my training, priorities and marching orders from my church and the Bible and I’m responsible for taking action. Don’t let the fear of “what will someone think” stop you from fulfilling God’s will.

Jesus’ mother, Mary, could have said no to God because of the fear of “what will people think.” Unwed mothers in Mary’s culture were pariahs. To this day I’m still amazed that Mary said yes to God at the cost of her own relationship to her future husband and family. When she said yes, God stepped in.

Say yes to God. Don’t let the fear of man stop you.

This time next year, you’ll be surprised with what God did in 2015.

Adapted from Keeping It Real by Leilani Haywood. Leilani is the editor of SpiritLed Woman eMagazine. An award-winning writer, Leilani is a frequent contributor to Charisma and other publications.

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