Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

‘The Dead Are Going to Be Raised’

The next great move of God will unleash believers who have faith to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.

Kathryn Kuhlman went home to be with the Lord when I was 5 years old—but not before she witnessed thousands miraculously healed by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. I’ve always admired Kathryn, with her flowing white dress, passionate presentations and, of course, flaming red hair. As I always say, we redheads have to stick together!

It was a sad day when the Kathryn Kuhlman Foundation shuttered its doors on the 40th anniversary year of her passing. Thanks to the foundation, I was able to collect all of her radio programs on CD. I listened to them over and over again for at least a year and have enjoyed her books and the handful of YouTube videos that chronicled her stadium healing crusades. Thanks to her foundation, many of her works were preserved for the next generation.

I believe the next generation is getting ready to rise up. The healing evangelists from Kathryn’s day and earlier—I’m talking about Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, A.A. Allen and William Branham—have long gone on to glory. We’ve seen a few remarkable men of God, like Benny Hinn and Reinhard Bonnke, carry the miracle torch, but we’ve still longed for the glory days when mass miracles were a reality. The good news is I see a new wave of Christians believing for signs, wonders and miracles like the world has never seen.

I believe we’re going to see a great move of God that’s greater than the Voice of Healing Movement, the Jesus Movement, the charismatic movement, and the prayer movement all rolled into one. I believe a new healing movement is emerging even now. This movement won’t be marked by a handful of evangelists with sparkling personalities and powerful gifts that fill stadiums and buy TV airtime. Rather, this movement will see the saints rise up and do the work of the healing evangelist with prophetic insights and pastoral care.

The next great move of God will unleash believers who have faith to lay hands on the sick and see them recover, cast out devils and even raise the dead. I believe it’s part of the Saints Movement that Bill Hamon prophesied many years ago. In his book The Day of the Saints, he wrote, “A ‘Day of the Saints’ is coming in which God is calling every believer to participate. This will be the greatest time in history for those who hunger to fulfill God’s will for their lives, especially those who are 100 percent committed to glorify Christ, overcome all things, reap the great harvest and see God’s kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.”

Many of these saints are being trained in healing rooms all over America even now. The International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR) oversees more than 3,000 healing rooms in 78 nations staffed with volunteers committed to re-digging John G. Lake’s healing well. The healing evangelist pioneered healing rooms in Spokane, Washington, in the early 1900s. I’ve joined this movement, directing Awakening Healing Rooms in South Florida, and on the first day, we saw stage 4 cancer healed, followed by an official doctor’s report.

Although healing rooms are only one part of what I believe will be the greatest healing outpouring we’ve ever seen—Bill Johnson birthed the Bethel School of the Supernatural that has trained thousands of students to release God’s supernatural power, and many other wonderful ministries are equipping the saints to move in healing ministry—I believe John G. Lake’s method will be a central focus in the next great move of God.

In 2014 Dutch Sheets, an internationally known author, teacher and conference speaker, prophesied over the IAHR that the movement had only just begun. He declared God could now build on the foundation that has been laid. Dutch continued prophesying:

“Power is about to be multiplied, and the dead are going to be raised, and limbs are going to grow, and cancers are going to disappear, and disease of every nature—all natures, every kind of disease—is going to go and bow before Jesus. Signs, wonders and miracles are about to multiply. Families are going to be healed and come to the cross. Kings, presidents are going to visit healing rooms. Mourning imams are going to carry babies into healing rooms and say, ‘If your God is really God, raise my baby from the dead.'”

I believe it. I believe the day is coming soon when we’ll see a revival sweep this nation marked by signs and wonders and miracles like we’ve never seen before. Will you believe with me?

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma, director of the Awakening House of Prayer, a senior leader of the New Breed Revival Network and author of many books, including Jezebel’s Puppets: Exposing the Agenda of False Prophets. Visit her online at

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