Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

Morning Rundown: Joni Lamb Shares About Finding Peace After Loss


Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com:

Joni Lamb Shares About Finding Peace After Loss

Marcus died in November of 2021, and our forty-year anniversary would have been the following August. We were married for over thirty-nine years and had dated for two years before that. I’d spent forty-one years with this person, and then, without warning, he was gone. It left an instant crater in my soul. Over the next several days family and friends came by, bringing food and offering emotional support, but that first night I was home alone, and that’s what I wanted. I wanted to be alone.

Outside our home is a beautiful garden patio that faces the swimming pool. It was our backyard retreat. Marcus and I would sit out there in the mornings and sip our coffee. We would also play cornhole together out there in the afternoons.

After the deaths of my dad, my brother, and our friend John Paul Jackson, red birds became unusually significant to me. The Lord used them to confirm something very personal. There was one particular red bird that kept returning to our patio. Marcus and I would be out on the patio drinking coffee or playing cornhole, and my red bird would show up. We would kid about it, and I’d say, “Oh, there’s my red bird. It’s a sign from heaven.” Each time I saw it, I would reflect on those I loved who had gone before us.

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Gateway Conference Canceled Due to Robert Morris Scandal

The annual conference put on by Gateway Church, Gateway Conference has officially been canceled.

As the fallout from the shocking revelation of former lead pastor and founder Robert Morris’ sexual abuse of Cindy Clemishire, who was 12 years old at the start of the abuse, the Conference leadership explained in a public statement why they felt it was in the best interest of everyone to cancel.

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August Prophecy: Prepare for War

In a recent video, Katie Souza gave a prophetic word for the month of August which is a call to prepare for war.

“We are stepping into the next layer to peel back and assault and push back against the resistance that is trying to fight against us,” Souza says. “Seeing [the] full manifestation of everything God has spoken to us.”

This prophetic message comes from a vision that Souza had regarding the United States.

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