Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

What Is Your God-Given ‘Just One Thing’?

What is your “just one thing”?

Phil Cooke, a media consultant producer, says in his book, One Big Thing, that we were all born to do one big thing. He also says that when we discover our “one big thing,” a revolution will occur in the world around us. Phil asserts that it is time to cut through the clutter and to ignore distractions in pursuit of your “one big thing.”

Graham Cooke, the prophet and writer, teaches that each one of us have been assigned a certain attribute of the character of God which we are called to exhibit during our tenure on earth. He says that this one characteristic will mold us, define our assignment and bring us closer to the Lord in whose image we have all been made. What is the attribute of God that has been assigned to you? Graham says that his assigned attribute of God is lovingkindness.

My “one big thing” and the attribute of God that has been assigned to me are the very same big thing. I have been assigned to carry the joy of His presence to a world bullied by depression, marginalized by discouragement and saturated with shame. There is an unstoppable joy that bubbles up inside of me every time I open my Bible, each time the worship music begins to play and whenever I bow my six-decade old knees in prayer.

It’s always been amazing to me that I, a formerly depressed Christian, have been given the joy assignment. When I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning, Jesus knew why He made me and loved me still. When my heart was broken and my world had caved in, Jesus was hovering over me with His comfort and joy. When there was no hope in my soul and when my mind was filled with negativity, Jesus was wooing me with His inexpressible joy.

It stands to reason that our “just one thing” would threaten the enemy. The devil is incensed that you and I have the opportunity to partner with God and to usher in the kingdom of heaven to a world gone mad. Satan will do anything that he is able to do in order to divert you, distract you and deceive you. The enemy waits in sheer horror for you to walk in your God-given calling and in the anointing that is only yours.

The enemy used depression to try to stifle my “one big thing,” but God had the final say! God’s Word is triumphant; His promises are sure; and His purposes are unstoppable. He will indeed accomplish what concerns you and me.

You have been born to make a lasting and eternal mark on the world with your “just one thing.” Don’t miss your moment, but walk confidently toward the Father while you are changing the world around you with His character. Listen for His voice as He eagerly explains to you why He made you for such a time as this.

May I ask you again? What is your “just one thing”? {eoa}

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