Sat. Feb 8th, 2025
(Facebook/Jeremiah Johnson)

After holding back since Nov. 9, 2023, Jeremiah Johnson has finally broken his silence about his prophetic dream on the events surrounding Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer, Kansas City.

On a Facebook and Instagram post, Johnson labeled the dream “IHOPKC, Exposure, and the Awakening.”

The dream, full of imagery, describes the setting of the dream to be similar to the Vatican.

“I entered into what looked like the Vatican in Rome. I was told I was going to meet the ‘Pope.’ He had a crown on but his head was lowered and he was sobbing so I could not see his face. I was very alarmed but was told I must approach him immediately,” Johnson wrote.

He continued: “As I drew near, the pope lifted up his head and to my shock it was Mike Bickle. The pain and grief in his face was indescribable.”

In the dream, Johnson began to prophesy over Bickle that it was the time for him to remain humble and that his crown—his position of authority over the prayer movement—was coming to an end, and that favor from the prayer movement was going to dispersed all over the world.

Instead of Satan taking out the movement as he intended, intercession would move forth from Kansas City so that God’s power and glory could be reached in other parts of the world that would not experience it otherwise.

“Suddenly an earthquake hit the Vatican and everything began to shake. It was terrifying. Mike hit the floor and I ran out of the room. I had this sense in the dream that his salvation and heavenly treasure was secure, but that he was being stripped of his crown (authority) in the earth to spiritually govern in the years ahead,” Johnson wrote.

From here, Johnson’s dream involved other ministry leaders. This included Corey Russell, whom he believed had “been given authority to raise up intercessors for revival and Israel,” Lee Cummings, who “had the authority to convert through intercession the sons of Ishmael who I knew were not only Arab people but also Charismatics who divorced the Word from the Spirit,” and Brian Williams who was being given the authority to “impact the government through intercession and birth and send end time missionaries around the world.”

With a powerful dream like this, Johnson took the time to consult with other leaders and decide how he should properly go about sharing this information with the public.

The two other key players in the dream included an entire group of people in Asia who would pray for the salvation of Israel, and Allen Hood, whose gift was not a crown but a “book of remembrance from Malachi 3:16-18” to “gather families…and teach them to fear the Lord.” With that, Hood would spend his days committed to the Word found in Zechariah 2 and 3.

“I have been privately praying and weeping through this prophetic dream I received back in November 2023. I have not had permission from the Holy Spirit to release it publicly until now. I also sought counsel from several leaders concerning the timing and ramifications. May this bring clarity, hope and the fear of the Lord in the midst of so much turmoil and despair. Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!” Johnson wrote.

Instead of giving a direct opinion on the entire scenario, Johnson provided seven points of prayer.

  1. Pray for Mike Bickle
  2. Pray for the victims
  3. Pray for the Advocacy group
  4. Pray for the IHOPKC leadership team
  5. Pray for the future of the prayer movement
  6. Pray for truth and repentance
  7. Pray for the testimony of Jesus

While this dream is just one facet of a deeply complex situation, one thing can be gathered from all of this: things will never be the same, and God still wants to move even through the broken pieces of these events.

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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