Louise Laymen Sumrall

Fervent and Fearless

The first time Louise Laymen heard the voice of her husband-to-be, Lester Sumrall, it was coming from a shortwave radio that was tuned to station HCJB, “The Voice of the Andes,” in Quito, Ecuador. A young missionary, Louise was stationed in Argentina, and she thought this might be the same minister she’d heard about from acquaintances in her native Canada.

Friends had spoken highly of Sumrall, well-known as a missionary, revivalist and author, who had ministered in the area. She became curious and wondered if he would come to Argentina.

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The Joy of Following Christ

In spite of the heavy messages to the contrary you may hear from the pulpit, the pursuit of God is a happy–not a glommy–endeavor.

Sin and ill are the false notes struck by man across the harmony of God’s will, and to strike upon or even remember such notes is instant banishment from the music of His presence. Where all is joy, there joy is all; and he who has not reached this joy does not know God–he is still a follower, and not a possessor, and he should refuse in his heart to remain satisfied with his condition, but climb on. Why stay behind? Climb on, climb on!

Often I have been mystified and disturbed by the attitude of many religious and pious people who appear to believe that to follow Christ is a way of gloom, of sadness, of heaviness. Often I have gathered from sermons that we are to give up all the bright and enticing things if we would follow Him, and the preacher goes no further!

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How to Stay Humble in Prophetic Ministry

Maintaining an attitude of humility is essential in the prophetic ministry. Otherwise, elitism creeps in and grows up to characterize prophetic individuals and groups. Experiencing supernatural revelation can be “heady wine,” and people too often begin to think of themselves more highly than they ought after having drunk it over a period of time. A

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Securing the Future

Like Mama Bears who fiercely protect their cubs, rightous women can become a powerful force in safeguarding America’s destiny.

On a beautiful May morning in our nation’s capital, the sun was streaming into the ornate reception room just off the floor of the United States Senate. Usually this is a very busy room, noisy with the hustle and bustle of senators scurrying on and off the floor or meeting with their constituents and staff.

Sometimes this space is filled with the well-heeled lobbyists of industry or a civics class visiting the Capitol. Often I listen to the echo of my own footsteps as I walk these halls or stand here alone, waiting to talk with a senator.

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Are You Jealous of Your Husband?

When envy invades a marriage relationship, the results are particularly tragic. Husband and wife, once a union of love and partnership, now compete for recognition and spiritual “one-upmanship.” Typically, jealousy among spouses masks itself in legalism–creating discord and suspicion. It effectively destroys the potential for teamwork by fostering individual kingdom building rather than cooperation. Jealousy

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