
Are You Jealous of Your Husband?

When envy invades a marriage relationship, the results are particularly tragic. Husband and wife, once a union of love and partnership, now compete for recognition and spiritual “one-upmanship.” Typically, jealousy among spouses masks itself in legalism–creating discord and suspicion. It effectively destroys the potential for teamwork by fostering individual kingdom building rather than cooperation. Jealousy

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I Just Turned Around

Fifteen years ago, I left my husband, Ron, and ended our 18-1/2-year marriage. I thought my efforts to create a Christian home were in vain.

The family was devastated as Ron and I divided the children and traveled in opposite directions. Our kids always hoped that we would get back together, but I sealed my heart for years and would not allow the pain of our marital wound to surface.

God arranged for me to attend seminary to study counseling. While struggling with my own issues, my heart began to heal.

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