Nov-Dec 2022

  • Ordinary Girl, Extraordinary Surrender

    Ordinary Girl, Extraordinary Surrender

    At the time of Jesus’ arrival in the human race, Israel was under the tyranny of Roman rule. Herod the Great, who considered himself the king of the Jews, was threatened to the core by the birth of this illegitimately conceived refugee baby. As a result, history records the horrific Herod-ordered murder of thousands upon

  • It’s Time to Dream Again

    It’s Time to Dream Again

    So many people today have lost their motivation because of pandemic stress and overwhelming loss. Don’t let go of God’s promises. It’s time to rediscover and reclaim your life purpose. The Bible records the devastating loss that Samuel felt during the demise of King Saul. Prior to his downfall, Samuel anointed Saul to be king

  • Iran’s Spiritual Awakening

    Iran’s Spiritual Awakening

    The Holy Spirit is active in Iran; there is no doubt about that. The supernatural is commonplace. People are having dreams and visions. Miraculous conversion stories are a daily occurrence. The sick are being healed. And God is speaking directly to His people, providing supernatural guidance in a physically hostile environment. Over the past 30-plus

  • Exposing the Deeds of Darkness

    Exposing the Deeds of Darkness

    In the 13 years since she resigned as the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, Abby Johnson has become the nation’s largest abortion provider’s worst nightmare. Reaching out to women who recoil at the reality of abortion once their eyes are opened, the Austin, Texas, resident has helped over 625 leave the industry through her

  • Why the Black Community Must Fight Abortion

    Why the Black Community Must Fight Abortion

    In the sanctity of life—from womb to tomb into eternity—camp, we believe that civil rights begin in the womb, and the American dream is a dream for all Americans—including the unborn. Now we must ask ourselves: How can the American dream survive if we murder our children? As one who was once deceived by the

  • From the Ashes of War

    From the Ashes of War

    Early in the morning of Feb. 24, 2022, a phone call abruptly awakened me. I glanced at the blurry screen to see the time: 5:30 a.m. The name on the caller ID was my pastor’s. I fumbled in the dark, trying to answer, brushing away an uneasy feeling that something was terribly wrong. Tapping the

  • Seek the Father’s Face, Hear His Voice

    Seek the Father’s Face, Hear His Voice

    Seek the face of God. There you will discover the voice of His Word, the breath of His Holy Spirit and the smile of His favor. Seek those things—not prestige; not wealth; not the gratification of sensual desires; not friends, food or fun. Second Chronicles 7:14 doesn’t mean to amalgamate occasionally seeking His face with

  • When Grief Knocks You Down, Look Up

    When Grief Knocks You Down, Look Up

    It was a typical hot July day in Houston. Our family, four children and nine of our grandchildren, had just returned from a family vacation at the beach. The news that we were to have another grandbaby made the time even sweeter. “Yippee,” as we Texans say. The Smith gang has always been the vacation

  • How to Spark the Holy Spirit’s Fire in Your Church

    How to Spark the Holy Spirit’s Fire in Your Church

    In the traditional Baptist church I grew up in, we talked a lot about Jesus—but not the Holy Spirit. There was a song in our hymnal called “Pentecostal Power,” but we never sang it. This is today’s sad reality for so many churches. We don’t preach about the Holy Spirit; we don’t make room for

  • Beyond Hanukkah: The Jewish Holy Days Every Christian Should Know About

    Beyond Hanukkah: The Jewish Holy Days Every Christian Should Know About

    In the Torah we are given the foundation for the Lord’s appointed holy days. Leviticus 23:4 says, “These are the appointed times of the Lord.” People often think of these as Jewish holidays—and they are—but they do not belong to the Jewish people only. First and foremost, they are God’s holy days. These holy days

  • Why Has America Gone Crazy for Drag Queens?

    Why Has America Gone Crazy for Drag Queens?

    Just when you thought 2022 couldn’t get weirder, Nancy Pelosi went on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars and declared that drag queens are “what America is all about.” Pelosi appeared at the end of the May 30 episode, which features talent competitions between men dressed as women. Pelosi thanked the show’s stars for their “freedom

  • The Danger of Complaining

    The Danger of Complaining

    Complaining is dangerous business. It can damage or even destroy your relationship with God, your relationships with other people and even your relationship with yourself. Philippians 2:14 (NKJV) says, “Do all things without complaining and disputing.” That’s a clear command, and not something anyone can do in their own strength. It’s important to understand that

  • On Thankfulness, and the Joy of Giving Thanks

    On Thankfulness, and the Joy of Giving Thanks

    One thing a man doesn’t need when he’s down is more condemnation. A former pastor, a good friend of mine, had made some horrible mistakes last year. He got involved with a woman in his congregation. The church officials, without a blink, fired him—even though he had voluntarily broken off the adulterous relationship before confessing

  • Ending the Year Suited Up for Battle

    Ending the Year Suited Up for Battle

    The earth is being tossed to and fro as our transgressions are heavy upon it just as the prophet Isaiah declared. This year has been infused with moments of uncertainty as economic and political twists and turns continue to force the entire globe to navigate uncharted waters—waters which appear to be troubled with blatant lies,

  • Queen Elizabeth’s Final Christmas Message

    Queen Elizabeth’s Final Christmas Message

    This Christmas will be sad for many who will miss Queen Elizabeth’s annual Christmas message. She carried on her father’s tradition of a radio speech, adding a television broadcast from 1957 forward. That 1957 message, which I recently watched on YouTube, now sounds quaint. The queen spoke about the enormous change of that era and

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