May-June 2023

  • The Spirit of Pentecost in an Upside-Down World

    The Spirit of Pentecost in an Upside-Down World

    Someone said living the Christian life is not difficult; it is impossible—that is, without the power of the Holy Spirit. There is a power so great it can help you not only survive but also thrive in this crazy world. It’s a power that comes from God Almighty through the third person of the Godhead,

  • How Israel’s Prophetic Destiny Is Being Fulfilled

    How Israel’s Prophetic Destiny Is Being Fulfilled

    Around 585 B.C., when the Jewish nation was living in Babylonian exile, we read the words of the prophet Ezekiel: “‘Thus says the Lord God: “Surely I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land;

  • Know God Now

    Know God Now

    One of my greatest desires is to enter authentic communion with God and to become one with Him. I want to know Jesus in me and around me and experience His power. I want to be transformed into the likeness of Yeshua (Jesus) and empowered by His Spirit to ascend through the darkness and walk

  • Shining the Light of Jesus in Hollywood

    Shining the Light of Jesus in Hollywood

    For most of her life, Candace Cameron Bure has been a household name, first as a spunky child actress on a hit sitcom and later as a talk show host, speaker, author and even “The Queen of Christmas” television films. But when she’s asked about what guides her and keeps her life grounded, she frequently

  • How Do You Lead a Religious Person to Jesus

    How Do You Lead a Religious Person to Jesus

    Jesus told us that a wise teacher “brings out of his treasure new and old things” (Matt. 13:52b). As a fellow traveler who, like you, desires to reach people with the gospel, please allow me to share three essentials to effectively evangelize a religious person. This is not a cookie-cutter, formulaic approach. For 50 years,

  • Breaking the Silence

    Breaking the Silence

    Throughout the history of the church, women with a leadership calling have faced criticism, disrespect and a lack of affirmation of their calling. But a simple examination of Jesus in the Gospels, along with other New Testament passages, reveals that a truly biblical view recognizes women as the servant-leaders God has made them to be,

  • When ‘Flexible’ Is Too Rigid

    When ‘Flexible’ Is Too Rigid

    Do you desire God’s presence? What a powerfully probing question, and one the modern church should be asking of itself. It’s also a question I have wrestled with for years. I’m concerned that the presence of God is undervalued, and in some cases ignored, by today’s church. By reading the biblical account of the naming

  • Stay Holy Stay Strong

    Stay Holy Stay Strong

    An increasing number of Christian leaders have resigned because of inappropriate sexual behavior. The regrettable result of these highly publicized sins has been one of two mindsets that have developed in many leaders in His church: “This is unavoidable, and will I be next?” “I would never succumb to such a sin as that!!” Both

  • Hope for Your Young Prodigal

    Hope for Your Young Prodigal

    Many young people today are leaving the faith. A 2019 Lifeway Research study showed that two-thirds of young people say they stopped going regularly to church for at least a year between the ages of 18 and 22, and some leave permanently. But many—like me—come home to the faith of their parents and their childhood,

  • Waging Supernatural Combat by Heavenly Authority

    Waging Supernatural Combat by Heavenly Authority

    Since experiencing the encounter I recount here, my life has changed drastically and for the better. I believe yours can, too. Understanding how third-heaven authority works puts you in the driver’s seat with Christ Jesus in heavenly places where you belong. Remember, being seated with Him isn’t just about the view—everything is about His authority.

  • Living God’s Grace Forgiving as He Forgives Us

    Living God’s Grace Forgiving as He Forgives Us

    The Lord’s Prayer is the most underestimated and neglected source of immediate power, strength and blessing that is on offer and available to the Christian today. Its purpose is that a Christian may have close fellowship with God. I want to lay down some principles and observations about the Lord’s Prayer that I hope will

  • Ten Times the Power of the Holy Spirit

    Ten Times the Power of the Holy Spirit

    Not long ago, I read a book by motivational speaker Grant Cardone called The 10X Rule. The author criticizes Americans who have a passive mentality, thinking the government will take care of them or believing a mediocre life is all they can expect. Cardone says to succeed, people must work 10 times harder and be

  • Please Don’t Be Afraid of the Holy Spirit

    Please Don’t Be Afraid of the Holy Spirit

    When I was filled with the Holy Spirit many years ago, I knew my Southern Baptist mother probably wouldn’t be happy about my Pentecostal experience. She and I shared the same core beliefs in Jesus and salvation, of course. But I knew that some Christian denominations don’t encourage believers to be baptized in the Holy

  • Become the Friend in Christ You Want to Have

    Become the Friend in Christ You Want to Have

    I spent many years being a very negative person. I have teasingly said that during that time, if I thought two positive thoughts in a row my brain got into a cramp! As you can imagine, I was lonely and had very few friends. At the time, I had no idea why people didn’t like

  • The Challenge of Excellence (February 1986)

    The Challenge of Excellence (February 1986)

    Psychologist Carl Rogers once said, “The older I grow the more I understand those things most private to us are also those things most universal.” Inside each of us is a little person, stretching, striving, looking at the impossible and saying, “I can do that.” I reread Margaret Craven’s novel, I Heard the Owl Call

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