July-Aug 2023

  • Wielding the Holy Arsenal of Freedom

    Wielding the Holy Arsenal of Freedom

    I was the person, before Christ, who lived in the shadows of the demonic of the witchcraft world. I operated in the highest hierarchy of Satanism and had contracts with demons, principalities, territorial spirits, water spirits, marine spirits and beyond—a relationship with Satan himself. Today, I stand as an evangelist of the kingdom of my

  • Satan’s 5 Deadliest Weapons of Mass Destruction

    Satan’s 5 Deadliest Weapons of Mass Destruction

    In the pandemic’s aftermath, there remains a noticeable rise in spiritual disturbances worldwide, affecting both the general population and individual households. This surge included the emergence of demonic forces associated with fear, anxiety, worry and phobia. I believe it was by God’s hand that I was led to pave the way for a new era

  • The Most Important Awakening in Church History?

    The Most Important Awakening in Church History?

    “The most important awakening in church history has begun.” When my ministry partners and I settled on that phrase as the subtext for the public relations messaging surrounding our film, Come Out in Jesus Name, we received a lot of questioning and even a little derision on social media. But if you’ve watched what is

  • The Deliverance Revolution

    The Deliverance Revolution

    I grew up in a rough trailer park in Northwest Indiana, the eldest of a single mother’s five kids. Life was hard, but my mom was a spiritual powerhouse and made sure we were in church. We attended a small Spanish Pentecostal church in our community, and even though we weren’t Hispanic and didn’t understand

  • The Battle for Deliverance

    The Battle for Deliverance

    God is building up an army of soldiers who are engaging in spiritual warfare and setting the captives free. We are in a cosmic spiritual war between evil and good. I have learned the importance of the hard-fought freedom that comes with true deliverance, and I hope to share my experience and passion as I

  • A Man’s Battle

    A Man’s Battle

    When I was 14 years old, I began attending a Catholic high school about an hour away from the small town where my family lived. This was a seismic shift in my life. I had rarely ventured beyond the town where we lived, which boasted a population of 5,000 souls, and then usually to visit

  • 5 Lessons from the Jesus Movement

    5 Lessons from the Jesus Movement

    Never before have I started crying within the first 30 seconds of a movie. As the opening scene of the Jesus Revolution movie revealed the sandy, rocky path over the ridge to Pirate’s Cove on the west end of Corona Del Mar State Beach, my memory instantly was taken back almost five decades. I clearly

  • Giving & Inve$ting: Keys to Building Kingdom Wealth

    Giving & Inve$ting: Keys to Building Kingdom Wealth

    Financial knowledge may not sound like something Christians should spend time discussing, but according to the Bible, the exact opposite is true. In fact, mature believers must understand the correlation between their faith and their financial knowledge. I want to answer some key financial questions, equipping you with some timeless biblical truths and proven principles

  • America Shall Be Saved, but How?

    America Shall Be Saved, but How?

    Anyone who follows my ministry knows I fully believe that “America shall be saved.” Though I have believed this for several years, I must admit I breathed a sigh of relief when the late renowned evangelist Reinhard Bonnke stated emphatically that Holy Spirit spoke these same words to him. Since then, other trusted prophets have

  • Why Is Satan Attacking Gender?

    Why Is Satan Attacking Gender?

    I love walking on the beaches of Sanibel Island. There, I’ve seen stunning sunrises and magnificent sunsets. I’ve even seen the famed “green flash” twice at sunset. One morning during sunrise, I began singing in the Spirit as I walked alone on the beach. A white egret walked behind me for almost a mile as

  • Preparing for the Fiercest Battles

    Preparing for the Fiercest Battles

    Anna Rountree completes her visions of heaven trilogy in an excerpt from The Warrior King, giving readers a glimpse of heaven and how events happening in the earth today correspond with activities in the spirit realm. Her first two books, The Heavens Opened and The Priestly Bride revealed mankind’s chief enemy, our flesh, and how

  • Charging Into the Future—Come Dream with Us Again

    Charging Into the Future—Come Dream with Us Again

    Pat Robertson used to quote the Scripture, “Despise not the days of small beginnings,” (Zech. 4:10). I thought of it recently when I attended his funeral at Regent University and reflected on how small CBN began and how it morphed and changed and grew to accomplish astounding things for the kingdom. Indeed, CBN probably did

  • If God Used a Flawed Hippie, He Can Use You

    If God Used a Flawed Hippie, He Can Use You

    Near the end of the film Jesus Revolution, Pastor Chuck Smith gives his young disciple Greg Laurie the keys to a church and challenges him to launch a new congregation. When Laurie expresses his lack of confidence, Smith says: “God has a long history of using flawed people.” Those words certainly apply to the Jesus

  • Three Attitudes That Help You Hear God’s Voice

    Three Attitudes That Help You Hear God’s Voice

    If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then God’s desire is for you to communicate with Him all the time, about everything in your life. This doesn’t mean that He expects you to spend every minute of the day on your knees in prayer, but He does want to have an ongoing conversation with

  • Breaking Barriers (July 1984)

    Breaking Barriers (July 1984)

    Although I never placed better than third in any track meet, I spent a lot of time in college practicing the shot put. In my sophomore year, an Irish-American by the name of Pat O’Brien won a gold medal in the Olympics by throwing the 16-pound iron ball 57 feet. It was a new world

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